0.1 - Moving day

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"I still don't get it, why are we leaving!?" I yelled as I packed my last stuff in a moving box.
"You know why, I can't stand the pity looks we get from the people in this town!" She yells back from the other room. I walked in to her with the box in my arms.
"But why should we move? If they have a problem keeping to themselves, they should move" I said as I leaned on the wall.
"Look RoRo, this is for the best, trust me" she said and picked up her two last bags. She knows how much I hate it when she calls me RoRo.
"RILEY" I enunciate.

We walked out to the moving car and loaded it with the last stuff.
"You say it's for the best, but we are going to live with your best friend from collage, in a new city full with snobs" I said as we walked towards the cab.
"Yeah, so?" She asked.
"Well it's so weird, you haven't even seen her in years, and also I will be leaving all my friends behind" I said a bit irritated as we got in the car.
"We talk on the phone almost all the time and you will be making friends there, she has kids on her own, close to yours age, it will be great" she explains and stroke my chin with her thumb.
"Also, it is only temporary, we will move to our own place as soon as we get a lease. It's just easier to go on showings while we live there" she continued.
I gave her a small smile to hide my sad feelings about leaving our home. But I do feel happy for her, she has gotten this amazing job in the city thanks to her friend Josephine, whom we are moving in with. Apparently she has this huge place overlooking Central Park and is a big time lawyer. And she has four kids, yes, FOUR. How I'm supposed to go from being an alone child to have to live with four others I don't know. And the worst part is that they are all guys. Why?? Guys are overall very disappointing, they are sometimes a good comic relief, but yeah still most of the time disappointing.
We have my first boyfriend who dumped me because he needed to give his Xbox more attention. Then there was my latest boyfriend who I thought I loved, and loved me but I found him in bed with one of former best friends. And his explanation was 'because her parents just installed a new pool'. Then there was the ultimate betrayal, by no one other than my father. He is one of the reasons we are leaving, he got another woman pregnant and so my mom, understandably, threw him out. He moved away with this other woman, but didn't leave town. So not only did we have to walk by all the pity looks but also we had to see my dad, with another woman walking around town, as if everything was fine. He has been trying to talk to me, but I have been dodging him. He also threw a tantrum when he got the word that we were leaving. I guess he thought with time, that I was going to forgive and forget what he did to our family. But I neither forget or forgive so easily. So I guess maybe, it is for the best that we are leaving our small town, where gossip travels too fast. But why to this big city, I'm not a big city girl, I liked our roomy house with the big yard. I liked the clean air and the dark that makes it possible to see the stars. But I guess that is gone now, and I will have to get used to the noisy streets and rude New Yorkers. At least it's a new start...


I'm so sorry for my English, it's not my first language! Hope you will understand anyways😅

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