1.6 - a date

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"Wake up! Big test today!" My mom yelled through the door. I looked at my alarm clock in a hurry, thinking I overslept, but it hadn't even turned six yet. I put my head on the pillow again trying to get a few more minutes before the alarm goes off like a bullet storm.
Luke and I had a few more study sessions, but he kinda ended up learning me. He really got into it the last time, he looked like he actually liked it. Then he got back to reality and pretended like it was nothing. But it wasn't nothing, he was passionate about what he talked about. And he is brilliant, he is talking about rocket science shit, just brilliant.
It feels like a rocket in my head as the alarm goes off and I throw my hand at it to press the off button.

"Shit" I whisper under my breath as we are in English class.
"What?" Oliver answers from my left.
"I forgot my books at home"
"Don't worry, we can just share" he says pushing his book closer to me.
"Thank you, you are a lifesaver" I preached giving his arm a small squeeze as I couldn't give him a hug in the middle of the class.
"What are you doing after school?" He asked, still whispering.
"I'm going home, like I always do" I say giving him a questionable look "I live at your place, you should know that".
"Yeah" he laughed a bit awkward whilst putting his hand on his neck.
"You alright?" I asked.
"Yeah! Yes!" He said a bit too loud, everyone looked at us for a second and we got the stink eye from Ms Halbert. "I'm just fine" he then said whispering again after everyone looked away. "I just thought we could go get some pizza, mom is planning on making meatloaf, trust me, you don't want that"
"Yeah sure, that sounds awesome" I said. "Should I ask anyone else?" I asked while reading.
"I mean if you want to" he answered.
"I will ask Darla and Darren next period" I say smiling at him, but I only got a half hearted smile back. Which made me think that he may not have been 'just fine'.
"Great" he answered, this time actually giving me a full smile.

"No sorry we can't, we are actually going to the movies later" Darla says as we walks towards our classroom. She smiled at me a bit strangely and I finally noticed their hands intertwined.
"Oh my god! You guys!" I yell, not caring one bit about the people in the hallway looking.
"Okay, down girl" Darla says holding one hand on my shoulder so that I will walk without jumping.
"I'm so happy for you guys, finally!"
"what do you mean finally?" Darla laughs and I saw Darren's face telling me not to tell her that he has been wanting to this for a while.
"Oh I don't know, you know me, just a hopeless romantic" I nervously laughed.
"No not really" Darla answered.
"Oh would you look at that, we are here, are you guys nervous?" Darren interrupts.
"Yeah super, I study so much, but I'm still a mess" Darla says as we walks in.
"I think it will go great for us all" I say sitting down on my chair.
"Well good luck to us all" Darren says.
"Good luck RoRo" I hear as Luke walks past me to get to the front. I just gave him a friendly nod back.
"RoRo?" Darren asks.
"Don't!" I yell looking with a deadly stare at him.

"I think I'm going to faint" Darla says as we get out from the classroom.
"You always say you did bad and end up having the perfect score" Darren says punching her flirtatious in the shoulder.
"Yeah, I know, I aced it" she says putting her arms around his neck and giving him a kiss.
"Alright, that's my cue, see you guys tomorrow" I say turning around as quickly as I can.
Heading towards Oliver that's standing outside the doors waiting.
"Sooo? How did it go?" He asked and I just smiled back. "that good huh?".
"Maybe" I grinned.

"Wow, okay you were right, this is the best pizza I have ever tasted" I say with a mouth full with bread and tomato sauce. He just laughs at me.
"Sorry" I say picking up a napkin "did I get it?" I asked.
"Not really" he laughed again taking his napkin to help me with the sauce. As he did our eyes locked and I could actually feel butterflies in my stomach, a feeling I haven't had around Oliver before.
"Thanks" I say as he leans away again.
"So, Riley I ha.." more didn't he get to say before he got interrupted.
"Hey, Oliver, RoRo" Luke says as he walks in.
"What are you doing here" Oliver asks.
"Mom is making meatloaf" he answers and Oliver actually laughs, first time I have seen him laugh at something Luke says. "What are you guys doing here together?" He asks leaving his group to come closer to us.
Oliver seemed to struggle to find his words, "same thing" I answered for him. Luke gave us a slow nod and awkward smile, as he looks at Oliver who doesn't answer his look. I wonder if he thinks this is a date, oh my god, what if this is a date...
"Well have fun" he says leaving the table.

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