0.7 - Morning news

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"Morning" David said meeting me on my way out of my room and him on his way to his.
"Hi" i answered with my raspy morning voice, closing my door behind me. It's really early, I wonder why David is up at this our on a Saturday. I've been here two weeks now, and the days are getting easier. The guys are a pain, but I have gotten used to it, they are a lot of fun too. The only one I haven't gotten a full read on is Luke.
I take a few steps from my door but stoped as Luke's door opened. Viola and Luke are standing in the open doorframe, fully making out. Luke noticed me and broke the kiss with a smile on his face.
"Sorry RoRo, didn't see you there" he said.
Viola just looked at me with that bitchy face, I suppose it's just her face. I just rolled my eyes and kept on walking. If she only knew that I already seen two other girls sneaking in and out of his room these last two weeks, then maybe she wouldn't bee so smug.
I pour my self some cereal and went to sit in the huge living room couch. I browsed through the tv channels, nothing good came up so I just settled with the news. Why I was up so early? Well I normally hate the mornings, but in a busy household like this, this is the only time I can get the living room for myself, and not have to battle for the cereal. The door closes and I leaned back on the couch, trying to see if it was Violet that left. I see Luke by the door, he turns around and sees me, I quickly leaned back and looked at the screen. After just a few seconds he comes to sit down next to me.
"Is there really nothing else on tv?" He said picking up the controller.
"No, trust me"
"You're watching the news super early on a Saturday morning, I don't trust your choices" he answered. I looked at him with raised eyebrows.
"I could say the same to you" I said taking a spoon from my cereal. He knows I'm talking about Viola, I know he doesn't like her and the way he is stringing her along is kinda disgusting. I mean she is kind of a jerk but she doesn't deserve that, no one does.
"Oh okay" he laughs. "Are you jealous?" He says looking at me with that annoying smile.
"Yes, how did you know! I want you, I need you, oh baby oh baby" I said looking at him with big eyes and a sarcastic smile.
"Stop quoting that god awful movie" he said with full attention to me.
"'10 things I hate about you' is an awesome movie, I'm surprised you even knew what movie that was from"
"Surprised? You watch it all the time, like every early morning" he laughs leaning closer on the couch.
"How do you know that? Have you been watching me or something?" I said ironically with a smile on my face.
"What no, you just blast the volume every morning" he says a bit awkward. I just laughed and kept eating my cereal. "Just shhh, I'm watching the tv"
"I thought you were too cool for the news" I laughed again.
Oliver walked in with sleepy eyes. "Damn, can you guys chill with the volume, my room is right next door" Oliver says, wrapped in a blanket. He then sat down next to me, so close I could feel his warmth. Luke gave me a smug look, telling me that he was right about the volume.
"Alright, I think I'm going to take a nap" Luke said, giving the two of us a weird smile. I just nodded and put the empty bowl on the table.
"So, what were you guys talking about?" Oliver asked not looking at me but the screen.
"Nothing really, why?"
"No, just wondering" he then looked at me, giving me one of those famous Ledger smiles.
"There is this party tonight at Liam Scott's penthouse, I mean I don't really drink, but might be fun to go, you in?"
"I don't know, I kinda wanna get on this Trig assignment" I answered.
"Yeah, no that's smart"
It's not that I don't wanna go, but I just don't feel like being uncomfortable and sober at a rich kids party. And I don't drink, as a serious athlete I stayed away from that. I'm not a swimmer anymore but I still stay away from it, I don't feel the appeal.

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