0.6 - Mathclass

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"I will see you after school!" Oliver said as we parted ways. I straightened up and walked through the hallway. It's very empty compared to my last school, and a lot cleaner. But everyone here looked so important, all with styled hair, and styled uniforms. Once again I pulled the end of the skirt a little bit, to make sure it was long enough. Without Oliver I felt like a misfit, with him I didn't even think of the people around me. I have math now so I just gotta find my way.

I walked into the empty classroom and took a seat in the front, it's the best place to be seated, no heads in the way.
The classroom is starting to fill, and the teacher is writing on the board. I'm doodling stars in my notebook when suddenly a bag landed on top of it.
"Hey!" I yelled looking up, where I was met by Violas deadly stare.
"Oh I'm sorry, how rude of me, I'm Viola" she said with a smile but her tone is clear that this is not a friendly encounter "you must have accidentally chosen my seat"
"I'm Riley. And I was told that there isn't a specific seating here" I said pushing her bag from my book.
"Look, I tried to be nice, you better move to the back where your junior ass belongs" she said and pointed to the back where there was one seat left. Me not wanting to create anymore attention just packed my stuff and got up. I bumped her shoulder with mine a bit aggressive before walking to the back. I'm not a particularly violent person, but then again, no one acted like this to me at my last school.
"Hi" a girl sitting next to me said. I nodded back.
"I saw you made the mistake of sitting in Violas place, rookie mistake" she continued, and I just smiled at her and said a vague "yeah", I wasn't in the talking mood after the whole Viola thing, but she kept talking "all juniors have to sit here, or she losses it"
That made me look at her "you are a junior too?". She nodded and pointed at a guy sitting next to her "Darren too, I'm Darla".
"Riley" I said actually smiling, it's so relieving knowing I wasn't alone to be a junior in this class. "So really, what is her problem?" I asked her pointing discreetly with my pen to the front.
"Oh she has to sit next to her 'epic love'" Darren said, and they both laughed. I looked confused at them.
They both leaned closer to my bench and Darren started "well she is like I love with this guy.." "gorgeous guy" Darla interrupted. "Uhm sure, well everyone knows that he sees like half the school, she knows too, but pretends like it's not true" Darren explains.
"She is like so oblivious, and it is so embarrassing to watch" Darla adds.
"You are just jealous that you aren't that half of the school he has been with" Darren says and Darla punched his arm. He didn't sound like he was joking though.
"Wait, are you talking about Luke?" I said with one eyebrow up.
"Yes! isn't this your first day? How do you already know him?" Darla asked curious.
"I really don't, I just had one or two encounters with him" I said, keeping the part that I live with the Ledgers.
"Lucky" she said under her breath smiling.
"Not really, I do not get the hype, and is it not kinda depressing that he has been with that many?" I said focusing whilst looking to the front of the classroom as the lesson was about to start.
But just as the teacher started talking the door barged open.
"Late again Ledger" Mr Vance, our math teacher says without turning around from the board.
"Just barely, I'm getting better Mr V" he said closing the door. He spotted me right after and gave me a huge smile. I simply rolled my eyes and looked to the board again. I can feel his gaze when he walked past me to the front beside Viola.
Such a waste, my mom told me how smart he is and that he was at the top of his class, but this does not seem like a top student. I even remember, meeting all of the ledgers once when I was really small. My mom just told me about it, which kinda sparked the memory. I remember how passionate he was about the sky and all of the stars. Of course I don't remember a thing he said, but I do remember him talking about it under the night sky at our farm, me and the other ledger boys were sitting on the grass, just listening. We probably didn't understand a thing, I was only like six years old.

Class was ending and I was packing my stuff together.
"Do you wanna come with to the cafe around the corner with us?" Darla asked me, I was kinda craving some coffee, but I had to talk Mr Vance after class about some information. Incase there is anything I need to know about the transfer.
"Maybe next time" I answered and they left.
I was just about to pack my notebook in my bag when someone grabs it.
"These are really good RoRo" Luke says mockingly whilst looking at my doodling. I grabbed back my book and threw it in my bag.
"What do you want?" I asked irritated.
"Just one question, why so many stars?" He asked, looking strangely intensely at the star filled book.
"I don't know, my last name is Star, it's just the first thing that pops into my head" I answered whilst closing my backpack. "Now if you excuse me" I continue and walked past him to see that Mr Vance was already gone. "Great" I said under my breath.
"What?" He asked behind me.
"I just wanted to ask Mr Vance about some information, you know about the class" I said disappointed.
"I know a lot of stuff, why don't you ask me?" Luke answered, leaning on the bench.
"Thanks, but I think I will wait till tomorrow" I then walked past him heading for the exit. Luke catches up with me and walks beside me as we are heading for the main exit.
"Why are you so irritated?" He asked me. I simply looked at him confused. How did he not get that he was the reason.
"Oh I don't know, maybe for one thing, the fact that you keep calling me RoRo"
"Well, it's a really cute nickname" he says, smiling at me.
"Okey, now that you say it, Lucas is so much better than Luke" I tease him.
"Alright, I will stop" he says. He must really dislike Lucas. But I get the feeling that he won't be able to keep from saying RoRo.
"Well I will try" he said and gave me a smile, and for the first time I see the resemblance between him and his mom, they both have that warm smile.
"So I hope I don't get to personal now, but my mom said you were at the top of your class, you don't seem so focused on school though"
I could see his smile fade away after that. "I'm sorry, that is non of my business" I quickly said after seeing his response.
"It's okay, I just don't have time, and I'm not that interested in the ivy's as I once was" he replied. I don't know if he keeps something to himself or not, but I really don't want to pry anymore.

We got out from the school to see the Uber waiting for us, with all the brothers already inside.

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