1.0 - Forget

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"Shots!" A guy said next to me and Darla in the kitchen, handing us both a shot each.
"What's in this?" I screamed after the guy.
"Try, you will love it!" He answered before walking away.
"Bottoms up" Darla says clinking my glass.
I tried not to think about it and just drank the whole thing in one sweep. My nose crinkled up and I could feel how I wanted to spit it all out again. It did not in anyway taste good, but I want to forget what Darla told me about Oliver, he's one of my best friends here, I don't want that to get screwed up. And I'm still thinking about it.
"Again!" I yelled over the music to the guy from the other side of the room.
"You sure?" He asked walking up to us. I simply nodded and reached out my glass. He poured it up and I drank it again. It burns down my throat.

"You know Darla, you areee so beautiful" I mumbled whilst having the worst hiccup and drinking my drink. We are sitting on the counter in the kitchen.
"Awe thank you, but maybe that should be your last drink" she laughs at me.
"Yeah maybe you are right" I answer jumping down from the counter but my legs didn't hold me up and I fell to the floor, but still laughing.
"Wow! Are you alright Riley?" A guy asked me but I'm still just laughing.
"What has she been drinking?" The guy asked Darla, who handed him a bottle. "Absinth!?".
"Hey, let me help you up" the nice voice kept going. I finally stoped laughing and looked up at the blury face that wouldn't stop spinning.
"Can you stand still so I can see you" I asked, trying my hardest to see clearly. He helped me up, but it wasn't just him who were spinning, the whole apartment were like a rollercoaster. And standing up wasn't an option.
"Screw this" he said frustrated and picked me up, carrying me.
"Make sure she gets home safe!" Darla yelled after us and I managed to give her a wave goodbye.
"You smell good" I said holding onto him around his neck. I heard him laughing and I saw a glimpse of that Ledger smile through the darkness and the blurriness. Is it Oliver or Luke? Wait, he called me Riley, it must be Oliver.
"Oliver, I really like you as a friend" I said nodding and with my eyes closed so I won't throw up. But all I got as a response was laughter. And the last thing I heard was the elevator door open before my sight went from blurry to black.

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