1.1 - Where am I

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I wake up in a flash sitting up in the bed, but with my head screaming I just as fast fell down. It barely helps to close my eyes, the spinning was still there. The brightness from the widows are hurting just as much, so I pull the cover over my head. I'm too tired and sick to even think about how I got home.
"Room service!" A woman said through the door and I'm starting to question the fact that I'm home. Someone opened the door and then after a few seconds it closed. I'm too scared to even take off the cover from my head and face the fact that I'm not alone. I can feel how something gets put down beside my feet on the bed. I'm pretending to be asleep, not wanting to see who is there. I heard the other person walking into another room, and the shower started to run.
I see my chance and get up from the bed realizing I'm only wearing a big shirt, that I was definitely not wearing yesterday. I see my dress laying on the floor and gets dressed as fast as I could, but that wasn't fast. Every time I try to stand up I feel how I was one second from laying on the floor. I finally got the dress on and I was just about to open the door when the person walked out in the room.
"Not even a god morning" he said and I turned around to see the smiling face of Luke, in only a towel. Oh no.
"Luke?" I said a bit flustered.
"Here, you need something greasy" he said pointing at the board filled with breakfast. I slowly walked in again and picked up a half of the French toast. I tried not to look at his showing abs.
"It's good" I said awkwardly taking another bite, sitting down on the bed again. "So, what happened last night?" I asked a bit sneaky. I really hope nothing happened.
"Well, I was having a great night, when I heard someone falling down from a counter" he started and I almost sat my toast in the throat, I remember that. "Then I found out she had been drinking absinthe, which is almost pure alcohol" he continued.
"Absinthe?? No one said it was absinthe!" I yelled jumping up and just as fast my head started to spin and the floor got closer. But just as I was about to hit the floor Luke caught me. Leaving his face only centimeters away from mine. I could feel my heart pound, and my breaths got slower. "Thanks" I said as he helped me up, but he didn't let my eyes go. He held onto my hand and I felt like he was going to say something serious but it was overtaken by a smirk on his lips
"You're welcome, I guess that's the third time I saved you in 24 hours" he said, making me come back to the real world.
"Third?" I asked whilst sitting down on the bed, so I won't fall down again.
"first I got you away from the party before you drank anymore and you would have to go to the hospital for a stomach pump. Second, renting this hotel room so your mom wouldn't see you drinking and getting totally wasted. And now the third" he explained whilst taking on the shirt I had on when I woke up.
"Why was I wearing your shirt?" I asked trying to find out what happened in here.
"Well you kinda started to take of the dress cause you said it was to uncomfortable to sleep in, so I lent it to you" he kept on explaining and took the other French toast and started to walk towards the windows.
"Soo, nothing else happened?" I said very slow and quiet. As if the part of me getting almost naked in front of him wasn't bad enough.
He turned his head to me and laughed, then he looked back at the windows. "You really think so little of me that I would let anything happen when you are passed out?"
"No, no of course not, I'm sorry" I said blushing from embarrassment. He has seen me probably snoring and half naked, not one of my best moments.
"Hey come here, you have got to see this view, nothing like you seen back in Missouri I bet"
"No thanks, I'm good over here" I answered, terrified that this might be higher up than back at the apartment.
"Come on" he said handing me his hand. But I didn't take it. He then, in a flash, lifted me up as if I weighed like a feather to him and walked towards the window.
"Noo! Put me down!" I yelled, but stayed still, holding on hard with my eyes closed.
"Look" he said but I kept my eyes closed.
"Please stop! Put me back" I said, feeling the stress creeping up.
"Are you afraid of heights or something?" He asked laughing, but as I stayed still, and my grip got harder he understood. "I'm sorry" he simply said putting me down on the bed again, closing the drapes. I can already feel my heart and lungs work faster. "Are you okay?" He ask, sitting down next to me.
"I-I just, ha-ve a hard ti-time breathing" I said, sounding like I have run a 5k. I could feel his arm around me, somehow it made me feel sturdy and safe.
"Wanna get out of here?" He asked as my breathing got slower and I finally opened my eyes. I kinda wanted to go somewhere with him, forget about how I probably made a fool of myself yesterday.
"I think we should go home, mom is probably worried sick"
"I told them you were sleeping at Darla's, but yeah, we should head home, get you some aspirin and sleep" he explained. He looked at me with those green eyes, as if he was trying to tell me something. But my mind has gotten out of the clouds and I'm reminded of who Luke is. He is a playboy, who has been with half the school and uses Viola as a bootycall. He is not someone to place my focus on.

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