1.3 - Find a motivation

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"Wake up, it's almost lunch!" My mom screams through my door whilst banging it. "And don't you snooze again!"
Against all the tired bones in my body I got myself go get up. It's been a hard week of studies and I finally rewarded myself with a long sleep since it's Saturday. I look at my alarm clock, one. Maybe I slept in a bit too long. I did a quick stretch and walked to the bathroom, that was attached to my room. I got my own, mom and Josephine shares one and the boys have one together. I'm just happy I don't have to share with the guys.
Just as I took a long sleep I took a long warm shower.
I wrapped myself in a towel and walked out into my room again. I have one other towel that I used to dry my hair and face. I stoped in front of my closet, and as I opened it and looked in the mirror I jump in fear when I see Luke sitting on my bed. I close the closet and made a harder grip on the towel. "What the hell are you doing in here?" I asked as I tried to find somewhere to hide, but without luck.
"Sorry, I was thinking of borrowing your bathroom, Mike is barricaded in ours" he explained still sitting on my bed reading my book.
"Why didn't you wait until I was done and then maybe knock on my bedroom door?" I said, making sure that my towel isn't too high up or low.
"I did wait, but you took forever, what did you do in there?" He laughed finally looking at me. I would prefer him keeping his eyes on the book.
"Well I'm done now, just go" I say gesturing at the bathroom.
"Right, thank you" he answers, standing up and walking towards the bathroom.
He locks the door and I hurry up to get dressed before he's done, and I made it just in time as the door opened.
"All yours" he says as he gets out and finally leaves my bedroom. In these moments I remember why I miss home.

I walk out of my room, tiptoeing so my mom won't hear me and start yelling because I slept in so late. But as I walk past Luke's room I can hear him and Josephine talking. I don't want to pry but a few words get me caught and I ended up listening in.
"You have to get your grades together" Josephine say's disappointed, she makes a small sigh before keeping on talking "you are lucky that you are who you are and the school gave me an early heads up, they want the kids to succeed and get into college, but they can't tamper your grades".
"I just do..." more didn't Luke get to say before Josephine cut in again.
"I have heard it, 'I don't have time and I'm not so focused', but you better make time"
"Fine, I will try to find a motivation" Luke says with a sigh, not with a reassuring tone.
I can hear footsteps walking towards the door so I quickly tiptoe away. I stoped when I got to the living room where I drop down on the couch hoping she didn't see me. I was so caught up in Josephine being behind me, I didn't realize I landed just a decimeter away from Oliver.
"Nice of you dropping by" he says smiling and giving me a confused look.
I sit up and laughed a nervous laughter, hoping he won't ask why I was running and jumping.
"What are you watching?" I ask watching the screen.
"Die hard"
"Great, I love that movie, at least the first one" I say reaching for a few of his popcorn.

A while into the movie I started to think about Luke, about what they were just talking about.
"Why is Luke not so focused on school anymore?" I asked, hoping he won't find it weird that I asked, which it is.
"It's really a long story" he said feeling a bit uncomfortable.
"I get it if you don't wanna tell me" I said looking up at him. At first he dodged my look but then he met it. And it was like he couldn't wait to tell me what he was thinking.
"Well, basically it was this girl in my old class that he was seeing" he started but took a small break "uhm, so I guess he really liked her but she then moved away about a year ago, after that he's been slowly dropping all his interest, I guess it wasn't such a long story after all".
I looked at Oliver with saddened eyes.
"That's terrible" I answered, but Oliver just turned his head towards the screen again.

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