0.4 - Uniform

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"Hurry up kids!" Josephine yelled from the kitchen, her voice was not as warm in the morning, or maybe I'm just a bit grouchy. Clear to say, I'm not a morning person.
I got dressed with my favorite sweater and paired it with a pair of jeans. I then walked out of my room, almost half asleep, I might still be dreaming.
"What are you wearing?" My mom asked me with a stressed voice, her normal voice. I just sat down on a chair beside the kitchen island.
"My clothes?" I said a bit confused.
"Yeah of course, but you need to wear your school uniform, I laid it out on your chair last night, do you not remember?" She said, but now she's mad.
"I remember, I just wanted something comfortable right now" I lied, not knowing if I must have talked to her in my sleep last night or if she made up a conversation between us in her head. I quickly got up from the chair and walked towards my room "if it makes you so stressed, I will go put it on now".
I got into my room and saw the clothes hanging on the back of the chair, just like she said.
"No, there is no way" I said to myself. A skirt? I barely wear shorts to school when I lived in Missouri" I grabbed the skirt and barged into the kitchen. "No, absolutely not!" I just said and held it up. I now noticed all the boys sitting and standing in the kitchen too. But that did not even bother me, I'm already focused on this.
"What? It's cute?" My mom said closing her new briefcase.
"It's sexist. Why do the guys get to wear pants whilst we need to wear a headband??" I said, feeling like I would explode.
"It's not that short, do you think I would let you walk out this house if it was inappropriate? Plus there is stockings too, so you will barely show that much" she said so calmly, I'm not used to her being this calm. I looked over at the guys who were grinning and laughing at me, all but Oliver.
"Stop arguing and go change, you will make us all late" she continued, and I could sense her true stressed self behind that facade she is putting up.
"Ahh" was all that I got out whilst I turned around and once again walking into my room.

I look in the mirror with the uniform on, it was kinda of a cute fit, although I can never say that to mom, and it didn't look like me, and I will be constantly worrying about the skirt blowing up, showing too much. This is just impractical, it's almost autumn, it's going to get cold.
I walked out the room and towards the front door where my mom was waiting, she wanted to give me a good luck hug on the first day, for both of us. She then walked out catching up with Josephine, I still have a bit free time before I had to go so I think I'm gonna go get something to eat.
They all were still in the kitchen as I got there. I pulled the skirt down a bit, still worrying about the length. I open the fridge, nothing really spoke to me.
"See, your mom was right, it's really cute" Luke said, sitting behind the kitchen island that was behind me. I closed the fridge door and turned around. But I didn't answer, I just looked at him with a fake smile, then I reached for the apple that was laying down in front of him. I took a bite and said "mm, just what I needed, thanks". I grabbed my bag laying on the floor with my other hand and went for the front door. I'm not gonna give him the satisfaction, I know he is just trying to get me mad.
"Hey wait up" Oliver yelled as I opened the door. "We usually all go in an Uber together, but I could use some distance from them too, so you wanna grab a cab to school?"
I looked at him, relieved "yes, that sounds amazing" I gave him a short hug. He is the only one that makes me feel like I can make it through this move.

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