0.9 - The party

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"Lady's first" Oliver says opening the car door for me and Darla. Darren got in after Oliver and we are heading for the party. We all got an Uber from the Ledger apartment, except for Luke who went earlier with Viola.
"You excited?" Oliver asked me in the car whilst Darren is talking to Darla. The way he looked at her, I can't believe Darla isn't noticing how he feels about her.
"I'm keeping my expectations low" I answered with a smile, still watching Darren and Darla.
"I think you are going to have more fun than you think"
I look up at him and give him a smile. "I hope so, we will see I guess"

We go into the already packed apartment. There is a lot of drunk seniors everywhere holding real glasses, not the normal plastic cups they had back in Missouri. People are drinking wine, whiskey and of course beer. But it's not like back home, obviously. Back there I only saw people drink beer and whatever they could find in their parents liquor cabinet.
"Let's go get us a few drinks!" Darla says.
"None for me" I said and Oliver seconded.
"Alright, Darren?" She asked shifting her look to him who just nodded and followed her.
"So what do you guys normally do on these kind of party's" I asked walking slowly into the apartment with Oliver.
"Really just the normal stuff you see on series or films, except for the kegs" he said smiling at me. " don't get fooled by the fancy drinks and merch, we are still teenagers" he continued, making a small laugh leave my lips.

Oliver and I have been talking for a while in the living room, or more like screaming. The music is loud, I'm surprised no one has been complaining.
"Riley! Can you come with me to the bathroom" Darla screams to me.
"Fine, let's go" I laughed leaving Oliver on the couch. And I can swear, the second I left, three girls surrounded him, but I could see his glare follow me as I left the room.
We were lucky there is four bathrooms here, no line.

"Are you done soon?" I said applying some lipgloss.
"Yeah" she said a bit sloppy, she is obviously a bit tipsy. "So when are you gonna seal the deal with Oliver" she asked pulling up her skirt. Okay, maybe more than just a bit tipsy.
I looked shocked at her and laughed a bit as I thought she was joking. "What are you talking about"
"Oh come on, it's so obvious!" She laughs walking up to me next to the mirror.
"Seriously, what are you talking about??"
"You really don't know? You guys have been flirting with each other no stop for the last two weeks" she said whilst washing her hands.
"We are just friends" I said serious.
"You cannot be this oblivious? Have you not seen the way he looks at you?" She laughs.
That last thing got to me, it's the same thing I said about her not seeing Darren looking at her. "You think he likes me?"
"Hell yeah!"
"But I don't know if I like him like that? This just screws everything up" I said looking at myself in the mirror.
"Here" she said giving me her glass with a drink. I looked at it for a second then I just poured it down my throat.
"Wow, slow down, a good drink like that is supposed to be enjoyed"
"Okay, then let's make another one"

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