Getting Settled In

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Changbin's POV


Once Mrs Bahng had brought me to the guest room, I quickly got changed into my uniform. it was the same as the other butlers in the mansion, which looked like a palace. Im glad it wasn't uncomfortable to wear, it was quite soft. Mrs Bahng told me i could just wear my black vans. Thank god it wasn't too fancy.

I started to unpack and organize. I placed everything on the king sized bed. I placed my uniforms on hangers and hanged them in the cupboard. I folded my pjs and my casual clothes and placed them in the drawers. I then took my toiletries to my personal toilet and neatly organized them.

After I was done, I was already tired but Mrs Bahng called me down to get to know Chan.

"Make yourself comfy Changbin!" would you kids want some biscuits? I can ask the maid to make some tea too.

I nodded "Sure, If she doesn't mind,"

Chan shook his head. "I already ordered starbucks for myself, Im good."


Chan's POV


Changbin looked a bit worned out.

"You good?" I asked trying to strike up a conversation.

Changbin smiled softly and nodded

his smile was pretty, really. But my father thinks he isn't good looking.

"do you have any hobbies?" i asked, continuing the conversation.

His eyes brightened. "Yes I do! I really like to play the guitar. I brought it with me. I can't live without it!" He was surprisingly really enthusiastic about it.

"Cool, You should really play something for me one day" I said interested.

He giggled softly. His giggle was silly, but i liked it. I couldn't help but to chuckle too.

We spent the next 2 hours getting to know each other. He's a really interesting person. I want to know more about him, but it was time for dinner.

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