Taken Care Of pt.3

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Changbin's POV


Chan was still tired from last night and wasn't feeling so well. He was lazing around on his bed on his phone texting is Girlfriend.

He sighed as he shut off his phone.

I was sitting at the edge of his bed.

"What's wrong?" i asked as he looked angry.

"My girlfriend has been using me for fame.. it's so obvious! That bitch!" he yells loudly.

I wasn't a good comforter, I didn't know what to say, so I just rubbed his back. I quickly pulled back when I realized that I touched him without permission.

he giggled and ruffled my hair.

"awh man, my hair was neater just now!" I pouted.

he just chuckled and when back on his phone.

he kept coughing. I realized that he's been showing symptoms of a cold.

"I think you caught a cold, you've been showing symptoms."


Chan's POV


Changbin was right, i've been showing symptoms of a cold.

"then take care of me, im sick" I teased him.

he walked out of the room and got me a glass of warm water.

Changbin also made some chicken soup for me and it was really tasty.

"This is delicious Changbin! so much flavor!" I complimented.

"glad you like it," he giggles.

i really liked his laugh, silly but yet cute, you know what i mean?


i've been isolating in my room for the past 2 hours and changbin is in his room cleaning up a bit.


Changbin's POV


i was in my room tidying up while Chan was resting in his room.

"Changbinnnnnnn" i heard chan yell from his room.

i got worried so i rushed to his room

"Did something happen?" I ask worriedly as i opened his door.

he looked fine to me.

"I'm hungry" he groans as he stretches in bed.

"I can cook you some food in the kitchen," I offered.

he shook his head. "no it's fine, i can just order some food for us from the restaurants nearby"

"are you sure?" i asked

he nodded "yes, i am. are you okay with anything binnie?"

i blush a little at the sudden nickname. then nodded.

binnie? it was so out of the blue, but i liked it

wait what? no way! i can't like him! i'm just a butler!


A/N : changbin has been working for chan for a week already by the way! ik it makes no sense sorryyy ㅠㅠ

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