Uh Oh

130 7 2

Changbin's POV


I woke up with light and dark hickeys on my body.

It was Saturday and everyone was home doing their own things. I was cooing at berry in Chan's room while he continued to work on his songs.

I heard him slam his desk in anger, causing berry and I to get startled.

"You scared me, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Sorry I scared you my love, It's just that the tracks aren't coming out the way I want it too, it's making me frustrated," I groans as he plopped himself on the bed.

"Make me feel better, come here," He extended his arms calling for me.

I could never refuse his cuddles so I approached him and wrapped my arms loosely around his neck, gently placing them on his shoulders as well.

He attacked me with smooches, causing me to giggle and squirm around.

"Chan, I need you for a photoshoot tomorr-" Mr. Bahng barged into the room.

We both look up and quickly stood up from the bed.

"What is this? I asked you to take care of him, not cuddle him! In fact, I didn't even hire you! Why did My wife hire a poor and gay servant? It's a terrible influence to My perfect son Chan!" Mr Bahng yells, making Hannah and Mrs Bahng to appear.

I didn't know what to do, I definitely could panic!

I apologised repetitively, being cut off by Chan.

"Dad, stop it. He's not poor, and I love him! You only care about wealth! You're being an idiot! I like boys okay? Just leave my boyfriend alone, you bastard." He shouts as he squeezed my hand.

"Sweetheart, don't say that to your father!" Mrs Bahng tried to stop the arguement.

"Stay out of it Mum! You have nothing to do with this! None of you have anything to do with my relationship with Changbin!" He yelled back and ran out of the room leaving the house.

"Wait, Hyung!" I call out for chan as I pushed everyone out of the way to chase him.

I could hear his car keys jingle aggresively.

When I was out, I was followed By Hannah and Mrs Bahng.

I didn't stop chasing him though, I saw him get into his car and followed along.

"I'm sick of my father mistreating you! all he cares about his money!" He cried out as he grabbed my hands and looked at me.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and smiled at him.

"Don't worry about him mistreating me, It's alright as you don't do the same," I reassured him.

His eyes softened upon hearing my words.

"of course I would never. You deserve the world." His voice also softened.

We could still see Hannah and Mrs Bahng standing from afar.

"Seatbelts on," Chan said while starting his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked out of curiosity.

"The beach, I need to relieve stress" He drove off.

We heard yelling from his family from behind.

I could hear the voices slowly fade away as we drove farther.

When we arrived he dragged me out of the car.

We were at a restaurant on the beach.

The sound of the waves rushing in felt relaxing.

Hopefully Chan feels more relaxed too.

"Let's have some fun" I said as I dragged him along with me.

"Hey! Be careful, you'll fall!" Chan yelled trying to slow me down.


We ran into the water.

We didn't swim, the water was just above our ankles.

I could feel the sand on my feet wash away from the small waves.

Chan splashed water at me.

"Hey! What was that for?" I pouted.

He didn't answer me, but ran away.

"Get back here!" I exclaimed running after him.

"Caught ya!" I giggled as I hugged him.

I looked up at him.

He smiled at me, his dimples showing.

He ran his hand through my hair.

"You're so cute, I love you" He chuckled softly as he kissed my forehead.

"I love you too, hyung" I say the same, smiling softly.

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