Taken Care Of pt.1

178 10 4

Changbin's POV


I woke up to the sounds of chirping birds. I stretched out of bed and opened the blinds.

This is your first day of officially working for Chan. Work hard and make sure he's satisfied.

I took a warm shower and put on my uniform.

It was 7am. Mr Bahng and Mrs Bahng were getting ready for work.

I went downstairs to request for something.

Mrs Bahng was checking her makeup in the mirror at the entrance.

"Good morning Mrs Bahng," I greeted her, I wanted to greet Mr Bahng too, but Im guessing he had already left for work.

"Good Morning Changbin! You're up early, do you need anything?" She replied.

I nodded " Yes actually, since Sir Chan is still sleeping, may i go outside for a walk and maybe have some breakfast?"

Mrs Bahng smiled and nodded as she rushed out of the house to get in her own car, the family members had their own car each, except hannah, she was only 16.

I decided to take berry, the family dog out for a walk too. But before that, I took some dog food and fed it to berry. I then looked for a leash to put on berry.

"Ready to go big boy?" I cooed at berry as I rubbed his neck.

His tail was wagging and his tongue was sticking out. he was definitely excited.

I shut the door as we headed out. I had already told Maria where i was heading.

I heard my stomach growl as we were walking pass many big houses, but not as big as Chan's house.

I looked around the neighborhood for a convenience store, but all I could find were fancy restaurants. Since I was afraid of getting lost, i decided to try going to a cafe to see if they had anything I could afford.

The cafe was called "Astronaut Cafe" and seemed really futuristic as I entered. I had to hang berry's leash to a lamp post.

I saw a cookie, which looked delicious. I was about to order it until I saw the price.

$10 for a small cookie? no way!

There was no way i was going to buy a 10 dollar cookie..that was way too expensive!

"Come on berry, let's continue our walk to the dog park near the cafe" I said as I took his leash.

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