On The Road Again

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We left the motel early the next morning. We both decided to throw away our cell phones since they was company owned. We stopped at a little diner in oakland and talked about what our next move would be. As we sat there waiting for our food i couldnt help but laugh. I mean i was the goodie good in school. Never missed a day, always showed up to class, and here i am sitting in a town ive never been to with my dark night just living life day by day making it up as we go along.

During our little lunchen we finally decided that we would pick up prepaid phones and use them. We would then go out of state and start our new lives there. Still wondering where he had all this money i asked him only to get silence as my answer and walk out the door.

We had been driving for five hours when we heard our names on the radio as a missing persons. We both looked at each other. Then out of now where we began to laugh. Who would have thought that such a serious situation would make us laugh?

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