Chapter 23 - Uh oh!

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After that brief moment of excitement, it seems that the amusement hasn't worn off from Jenny yet...

"I love him...." I say dreamily, like a girl with a huge crush on a boy

"I know you do. It's so obvious!" Jenny says, still clearly excited

To our surprise, a cough is sounded...Cue the sister! Emily has arrived! She comes in leaning against the door frame...I hope she hasn't heard Jenny and I having a little squeal over a boy

"So, what're you guys excited about?" Emily says, with an evil look in her if she suspected something...Uh oh...

"Nothing, just school gossip!" Jenny says with a straight face, trying to hide her excitement "Yea, gossip" I say, trying to back Jenny up

"Doesn't sound like gossip Liam..." Emily says with a smirk on her face

"What do you mean?" Both Jenny and I say simultaneously

"Well, from Jennifer's excited squeals and you, Liam, sounding all dreamy and so on...I don't think this adds up as 'gossip', don't you think?" Emily says in a cold tone "What are you hiding Liam?" Emily continues, in a half cold voice, half amused tone

"Uh...Nothing!" I reply. I feel my face go red and something in my eyes...tears? Ew! Emotions!

"Liam..." Emily says softly. Both Jenny and Emily look at me with concerned looks but Emily looked more confused "What's wrong?..." Emily continues

"Nothing, I swear!" I say sternly, with a small tear running down my cheek.

"It's something Liam now tell me" Emily says, sternly.

"Give him some time Em-" Jenny says getting cut off by Emily saying "There's something wrong. I need to know, he's my brother!"

"I'm gay..." I say quietly. An eerie silence fills the room. Jennifer softly places her hand on my shoulder while my sister is stood there, in a state of shock

"Oh my god Liam, why couldn't you just say it in the first place?" Emily says, instantly talking in a very soft tone of voice. She walks up to me and captures me in a sisterly hug "I'm glad you trusted me enough for you to admit it mister" Emily says, in her comforting fashion

"Thanks Emily..." I say, thankful she accepts me for who I am

"It's alright mister. Now I'll leave you and Jennifer here to gossip...Actually, can I join in? Spill the beans!" Jenny says, releasing me from the hug and then sitting down

"Well, my friend Connor told me he loved me and he kissed me! It was amazing!" I say, like that excited and childish girl I am

"Sounds cool. Is he attractive?" Emily says, smiling away

"Very attractive!" I say with confidence "You'll meet him soon! I wish he was my boyfriend though..." I say, with a slight tone of doubt in my voice

"He is practically your 'de facto' boyfriend, especially if he's kissed you and said he's loved you Liam!"

"Not yet..." Both Jenny and I said in reply "I'll work on it I guess" I continued.

Another 10 minutes of gossiping later, Jenny headed home and my sister, Emily went to bed. Just me left on my own now...I have no clue where my mother and little shit, little brother Robert are.

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