Chapter 9 - The bully

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As the bell rings for Lunch, I head to the cleaners storage room to find Nancy. As I walk towards the room, I bump into a large figure, someone who makes me feel small.

"Hey kid. Watch where you're going you ass!" The figure said in a deep and threatening voice

"S-sorry...I didn't see you dude" I reply with fear

"You better be sorry. Wait....You hang around with Connor don't you?" He asked, with a hostile tone

"Uh, yes....And Jenny too..." I reply like a scared child

"Well, you better not keep close to my Connor" He said, in the threatening tone again

"Wha--what do you mean?" I replied

"I'm Jacob....Connor's ex-boyfriend. You keep away from Connor or I will pound you, punk!" He shouted with major hostility

"Ok, ok! I won't please, just let me get by!" I shouted back with fear

"Well, get outta' here punk! You keep away from Connor!" He yelled

I walk off quickly, towards the cleaners storage room.

I enter the room and see Joan, another cleaner, a friend of Nancy I presume

"You lookin' for Nancy?" She said in a welcoming tone

"Yea, I am" I replied, still with a fearful tone

"She'll be back in a bit kid. Just take a seat. I'm outta' here" She said casually

I take a seat on the bench, with the smell of cleaning supplies and grubby clothes mixing in the air.

"Hey Liam, how are ya' kiddo?" Nancy says with her usual welcoming tone

"I'm ok....I think" I say, sounding like I live in constant fear

"No you ain't. Nu-huh honey. Tell old Nancy. C'mon, spit it out" She said firmly

"Well...I just got threatended by some kid. He's like ten times bigger than me! He's Connor's ex-boyfriend" I confessed

"Well, you just ignore that kid. If he dares touches you, I'll whoop his ass for ya'! How's that sound Liam?" She said jokingly

"Sounds good" I say to her

"Good. Liam, if you love Connor with all your heart, tell him. If he doesn't like ya', just stay friends. It's all okay kiddo" She said supportively

"Well....Okay. I'm also thinking of telling my friend, Jenny, that I'm gay" I say

"She'll be cool with it. If Connor's gay and you're gay, she might play match maker!" Nancy said with a large smile and slight laughter

"I hope so!" I say, laughing along

"That's the way to go kid. Right, Ol' Nancy's gotta' go and do some cleaning. I'll see you later kid!" She said in her friendly tone with obviously, her strong, stereotypical American accent.

"See ya Nancy!" I say politely as I leave the room

It's pretty good here. Whenever down, go see a cleaner! I'm just scared...Not only because I'm gay but I don't want that kid, Jacob to beat me up!

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