Chapter 4 - Liam's luck

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The night went by quick and I wake up to the brightness of the morning, coming through the curtains. I quickly get out of bed to get ready for another day at school. After taking a shower I style my hair, as usual and get out some clothes that I think make me look good in order to impress Connor.
I dash downstairs to grab a quick breakfast and kiss my mother a good bye and bolt out the door. Heading to the bus stop, I see Jenny stood there, talking to Connor.

"Hi Jenny, hey Connor" I say, greeting them with joy

"Good morning Liam" Jenny replies with a smile, shortly followed by "Hey Liam" from Connor.
For some reason, his voice makes me feel excited, probably because I know he is around me.

"So, are you ok today Liam?" Connor asks with a charming smile

"Uh....y-..yes, yes I'm good thanks" I reply.

I can feel myself starting to blush and I try my best to hide it. The bus comes down the road, cruising towards the bus stop. As the bus halts, the doors stiffly slide open and at the top of a couple of small steps sat a rather old and dirty bus driver. He glares down at us as if to say hurry the hell up. It must be his 'Welcome to my bus!' look. When we board the bus, Jenny splits away from me and Connor. Connor and I sit down and awkwardly, I feel a warm feeling of love and attraction on the inside.

" do you like it around here?" Connor asked

"It's pretty cool I think" I replied

"You've not gotten into trouble yet? With any teachers?" said Connor

"Ha, not yet Connor" I say with a compassionate smile.

The bus arrives at the school and kids pile off and head inside. The school morning goes fast and lunch arrives. Me, Jenny and of course, Connor sit on a table full of girls.
One girl turned and asked "Hey, who's the new kid?"

"His name Liam. He's not been here long" explains Jenny
"Hey Connor, is he your new boyfriend?" a girl asked jokingly

"No!" Connor replies in a sharp manner, obviously being over protective of what others think.

The bell rings and we head to our lessons. The afternoon went by pretty quick, especially when I think of Connor. Walking out of school, Jenny says to me "Hey Liam, I've gotta get home quick, I'll see you later, if not, then tomorrow!" with her usual smile. I continue walking until a heavenly voice yells "Liam, wait!". I turn around and see Connor coming towards me.

"Hey Liam" Connor simply says

"Hi" I say awkwardly. I feel delighted that someone like Connor would ever talk to me

"I don't want to be rude but can I hang around with you tonight?" Connor asks nervously
I could feel myself blushing and feeling warm inside and with excitement "Yes!" I said

"Cool. Let's go shall we?" Connor replied.

We walk to my house, slightly longer than a bus ride but worth it when you have friends with you. I head inside and dash upstairs with Connor, rushing into my bedroom. My mom brings up some drinks, "Here you go boys!" she said proudly. "Thanks" Connor and I say at the same time, just making the moment awkward. "I'll leave you two up here. Call me if you need me" my mom says.

"Hey, you have an Xbox?" Connor asked playfully

"I sure do. Wanna try?" I reply

"Sure!" Connor said joyfully.
After playing video games for about half an hour, I use my hand to lean on while sat on the bed. As Connor leans back, his hand touches mine. I feel a sudden sense of love and compassion but not knowing what to do, I quickly move my hand and treat it like an accident. 'I knew I should of kept my hand there...Liam, you idiot!' I thought to myself, with deep regret. Connor then says "Sorry but I gotta go!" he rushes out and the door slams. Another thought came into my head and it was just simply 'Oh shit.'.

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