Chapter 7 - Let's talk

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After that awkward encounter with Jenny, I feel isolated. Isn't there anyone I could talk to? My sister isn't exactly the most supportive person and the same goes with my little brother. I can't tell mom....What if she would hate me for being gay?......But....I have Nancy? I'll see if I can talk with her.

I head down to the cleaners storage room to see if Nancy is there. I enter the room, almost tripping over many buckets, mops and brushes.

I see Nancy sat on the bench, sipping a cup of coffee and wearing grubby clothes.

"Liam, boy, hello! How are ya'?" Nancy calls out

"I'm alright I guess" I reply

"You don't seem it, c'mon, sit down here" She says with a caring approach

I sit down next to her on the bench and let a big sigh go

"Are you alright kid? You don't seem happy boy" She says

"No....I'm not alright. I have no one to talk to" I say grimly

"Well, what's on your mind huh? You can tell Nancy ya' know. I won't tell anyone" She says compassionatly.

"Well.....First off, I'm gay" I say

"Oh, really? That's all what's getting ya' down?" She says firmly

"No...There is this boy called Connor, I kind of like him. The other day, he came to my house to chill out...he tried holding my hand and I quickly backed away from him. As you could suspect, he shot out my room and said he had to go...I feel horrible about it" I say with a sad tone

"Honey, you sound like you have mixed emotions. You do know, he probably might like you back. Liam, you could ask him. Does anyone else know you're gay?" She asks with concern

"No....That's why I hate myself most of the time" I reply, with a heavy sigh

"Liam, you sound so grim. If you need me, I'll always be here for you. I think you should just act natural around him and that'll sort things out. Wisdom can come with age ya' know!" She says supportively

"Thanks....I might try that Nancy. I'll have to get going now I guess. Thanks" I say greatfully.

"See you later Liam. I'm always here if you want to talk" She gives me a friendly hug as a farewell for now. I'm glad someone is here to talk with me.

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