Chapter 13 - A helping hand

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I've been beaten and cut up, my upper body has been felt up in the process, especially my abs. I feel so awkward and hurt. I see light flood the room...Is it hope? Is it someone?

"HEY!" A voice shouts and rings in the room. It stops Jacob in his tracks as he turns around, leaving me on the ground, almost half-naked and hurt. This figure quickly pushes in a cart of cleaning gear and supplies.

"Get off of my little friend!" This woman shouts. It appears to be someone I know.

"Get out of here woman!" Jacob yells

"No one tells Nancy what to do!" She replies. It was Nancy! Man, I was glad to see her

Nancy grabs a mop from a bucket on the cleaning cart and goes for a swing at Jacob

"I'll get you kid, now leave him alone!" She shouts at Jacob.

Nancy hits Jacob a couple of times with a mop. He stumbles around and runs away, leaving the cleaning room

"Liam! Are you ok?!" She asks while shouting

"I'm good, trust me. We were only messing" I replied

"It don't look like it to me. C'mon, I'll take you to the nurses' room" she says in a concerned tone of voice

She leads me out the room as I carry my shirt in my hand. She has her arm around my shoulder, trying to support me to the nurse room.

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