Chapter 11 - Impacts

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I feel so angry. I could of punched Jacob and now I see why Connor doesn't want to be near him. Hostile, controlling, I wouldn't like him to hurt Connor or even Jenny for that matter.

"I'm sick of it! I can't do it!" Connor cries, slamming one of his hands on the lunch table

"Connor, it's okay babes" Jenny says, holding his head on her shoulder

"It's alright. I'll protect you Connor. You know I will. I'm not going to let my friends get hurt and I won't let you down, trust me" I say, being slightly over-protective

"Thanks...." Connor replies, still crying

"I'll take Connor to the library or something. We'll see you later Liam" Jenny says, still with Connor sobbing on her shoulder

I head down to the cleaners storage room, hoping to find Nancy. I need advice, real bad! While heading down there, I bump into a familiar face - My older sister Emily

"Oh hi Liam! How are you?" She asks in her boring tone - No offence to my sister

"I'm good...I guess" I reply

"I saw your friend crying earlier. He's kinda cute too but whats wrong" She says

"He'll be ok soon...Plus cute?!...He's gay..." I say

"Oh....He's gay....Well, maybe I could turn him" She says jokingly and winking at me

"You can't turn a gay dude straight Emily..." I snap

"Sorry Liam, I was ony joking. Anyways, see you around little bro!" She says happily and scruffes up my hair with her hand

The impact of Jacob's hostility is horrible. He hurt my Connor...I shouldn't refer to him as that but Connor....I love him.

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