Chapter 5 - Awkward

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Right now, I'm terrified! Connor attempted to hold my hand. I can't describe how I feel right now, I am just overwhelmed with the feeling of love and anxiety. I feel so awkward but I guess I gotta go to school, it should be just another day, right?

I style my hair again, as I do everyday and get ready to go to school. I dash down to breakfast to my mother in the kitchen, as usual. It's as if she lives in the kitchen most of the time - She needs a break! My mom turns around and says

"Liam, honey, you look a bit sickly. Are you alright?" My mom says

"Yea, I am...I guess" I replied

"Well, darling, you might feel better seeing your friends. I'm sure Connor and Jenny would love to see you!" She said cheerfully

"Yea...I think so" I said.

I decide to march on with my day. What is the worst that could happen?

I arrive at school and see Jenny as she runs up to me, greeting me with a friendly hug

"Hey Liam!" She says happily

"Hi...Have you seen Connor?" I ask

"Nope, not yet. Are you alright? You look a bit sickly" She states.

"Uh, yes, yes I'm ok" I explain

"You don't look it Liam. Come on, let's go find Connor!" Jenny says confidently

Great! This isn't going to go well, I can feel it. Even if I'm madly in love with Connor, no one suspects I'm gay and I am terrified of seeing him again.

Later, Jenny and I find Connor down the corridor, surrounded by girls treating him as the 'Gay best friend'. We both walk up to Connor and Jenny says

"Hi Connor-boo!"

"Hia Jen-Jen" Connor says happily

Connor turns to me and nervously says "Hey Liam..." . He looks around awkwardly, obviously looking for an escape out of the situation.

"I gotta go and do some homework, I'll see you later" I say to Connor and Jenny.

I feel so guilty. I don't know why but I just do - Does Connor love me? Man, I need help. I wish I could talk to someone...

Interlocking Love: The TeensHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin