Chapter 8 - Friends

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A new dawn, a new day I guess. Time for school. My mother barges into the room and gently wakes me up. I quickly get ready for school and rush down stairs for breakfast.

I walk out the door and voice calls out "Liam, wait up!". It was Jenny - Running up to me like when we first met, she gives me a big friendly hug.

"Hey, how are you?" I ask

"I'm great, thanks!" Jenny replies with a big smile - Happy as usual

"Ok, cool" I say

"Hey, Liam....You know Connor, he told me to say he's sorry for the awkward moment that you two had" she said

"It's ok now. I'm past that" I replied confidently.

The bus pulled up to the bus stop and people push on to get a seat before they're taken. As the bus travels down the road, I watch out the window, thinking of how to tell someone I'm gay.

The bus arrives at the school with a sudden stop. We all climb off, pushing and shoving into the school. Jenny and I walk through the doors and see Connor in the distance. Connor quickly walks up to us and gives a sort of group hug

"Hey guys!" Connor said

"Hi" Both Jenny and I reply

"Liam, I'm sorry fo-" Connor said quickly

"It's ok Connor" I interrupted

Connor let go of us and smiled at me cutely. I tried not to blush but I couldn't help it. His smile is just so charming and I don't know what gets the better of me sometimes - Why don't I smile back? I just wish I could kiss him...I love him.

"I've got to go to class now. See ya' Jen. Bye Liam" Connor says

"Bye!" Both of us reply.

"Liam, your face is red. Are you blushing or somethin'?" Jenny asks

"Wait what? No! Wh-Why would I blush, seriously?" I snapped

"Woah, ok. Well, you seem to kind of....retreat from Connor when he's near" Jenny said carefully

"Nah, I don't, he's a friend ya' know" I said quickly, to avoid suspicion

"Well, okay. You can tell me anything you know Liam" Jenny replied with in a supportive manner.

"I've got to go now. See you later Liam" She added.

"Bye" I replied.

Man....Surely I could tell Jenny I'm gay, right? What if she suspects I like Connor? Oh no!

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