Chapter 2 - The start

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A soft voice rumbles into the room saying "Liam, darling, time for school! Up you get!". It was my mother, a kind hearted woman who would probably love anyone she can.

I was spread out on my bed, relaxed but then reality hit me in the face - Time for a new start at a new school. A mixture of fear and excitment came to me. I got out of my bed or as my mom calls it 'The Pit' to quickly take a shower and get my clothes on - A red, tight fit t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. I quickly style my hair and rush downstairs to grab some breakfast

The smell of cooked food filled the air. I enter the kitchen to my mother, older sister and younger brother. My mother turns and says "Surprise! I've made you a good breakfast - It is the most important meal of the day you know". I quickly sat down with my older sister and younger brother at the table and ate my breakfast as quickly as possible. I turn towards the door and my mom yells "Have a great day sweetie!".

As I close the door, I hear my mom tell my sister, Emily "Come on! Time for school, I knew you wouldn't want to go with Liam, hurry up!". I feel relieved that I don't have to drag my sister with me.

I walk down from the porch of the house onto the street and over hear a girls voice shouting "Hey, wait! Are you the new kid around here?!". I reply with a short "Yea". A pretty girl with brown hair jogs towards me saying "Hey!".

I turn to talk back, with an awkward reply, I introduce myself "Hi...I'm Liam...Who are you?"

The girl then replies with "Oh sorry, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Jennifer. You can call me Jenny though! Nice to meet ya' Liam! Don't mind if I walk with ya', do you?"

"No, not at all. Let's go" I reply.

We arrive at the school, with almost an identical agenda for our school day. The school was a big place with an endless wave of students in the corridors. The day quickly goes by with average lessons. At 3:10PM, the day ends - A good time for a first day I guess.

"Hey Liam! Wait for me!" a voice shouts - It was Jenny.

"Hey Jenny" I reply.

"Why weren't you waiting for me?"

"I don't know..." I said

"Make sure you wait for me next time Liam" She says with a happy smile on her face

"Ok? I will do....I guess". Why is she talking to me? I thought everyone would think 'Liam is a loser' or something. Does she actually like me or just wants to make me the next gossip story?

Later, me and Jenny were walking home, talking about my first day and her first day back at school until all of a sudden, we hear a voice down the road

"Jenny! Jenny! Wait up! I was waiting for you, where were you?!"

I turned to see who was calling. A boy wearing a white, tight t-shirt so you could see his abs, he had a messy style of hair, brown with bits of blonde - He looked very cute too.

"Sorry! I totally forgot about it Connor! I was with the new kid, I didn't want him to be left out you see"

"Are you gonna' introduce him to me?" He snapped

"Yea, if you can wait! Anyways, Connor, this is Liam and Liam, this is Connor. Connor is my gay best friend" Stated Jenny

Wait....She just said Connor is gay. I might have a chance here or not considering I'm in the closet still. I wonder how he came out?

"Well, she is right about the gay part but I don't know about the best friend thing!" Connor said in a joking manner

"Oh stop it, you know you love me and wouldn't know what to do if I wasn't here!" Replied Jenny

I started to blush and giggle, it was as if I instantly fell in love with Connor.

"Oh, this is my house!" I tell them.

"It was nice meeting you" says Connor and Jenny said "It was a great day, I'll see you tomorrow!"

I smile at Connor discreetly and go back into my house.

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