Chapter 24 - Happy days

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Hello to any human who comes across this - It's been like...a year since I updated this. Last chapter I forgot Robert's name and renamed him Charlie...I changed it back to Robert - whoops. Anyways, I might try to update this story more - So what if I don't get too many reading? :) I like this writing stuffles :D

Time for a new chapter!!!


It's a new day - This time, I wake up myself, without influence from my mother, who also doubles up as my alarm clock somehow...I'm actually looking forwards to school today, probably caused by two things

A, Emily accepting me and B, the beautifully, heavenly and angelic aromas of breakfast being cooked up by mother dearest...Pancakes!

Just in time for the breakfast to be served up, I quickly eat up my breakfast and rush up stairs to get ready for the school day; "Morning" Emily says as I zoom past her "What's the rush?" she asks

"School. It's gonna be a good day!" I reply, practically yelling then shutting the bathroom door before she could reply. At the speed of light, I'm out the shower, dressed and I've got my hair styled - The most important part if you ask me.

Soon enough, I dart out the door and see Jenny, as usual walking towards me

"Hey!" We say simultaneously with happiness "Let's go" I say as we make our way to the bus stop. The stiff doors on the bus open again and we embark on our journey to school, with the usual sounds of conversing teens in the air. After that, we march into school and go our separate ways to our first class

First class - R.E or Religious Education, which is always an open door for people to have a debate in. 

"Right then class, today we're having a debate!" Says the teacher, clasping her hands together and smiling "Remember class, the key to a good debate is to be respectful to all parties"

A debate. Ugh

"Today's debate will be on gay marriage!" - Oh how ironic.

"So, anyone want to have the first input today?" The teacher asks 

"Me!" Says a voice - All be hold, it's one of the mean girls, a goody two shoes from a rich background and her name is Hannah

"Well, if I may say, my beliefs are against this 'form of marriage'; It is wrong in the eyes of god, isn't it?" States Hannah with pride

All of a sudden, a voice buts in and it is another girl, by the name of Eve 

"That is just how YOU interpret the word of 'god', I hope you realise. Yes, it is wrong in correspondence to YOUR beliefs however you can't go around pointing at LGBT people, telling them that they're in the wrong" Eve states

"Well, it is wrong, completely wrong! It is a sin and as a christian, I tell you it is wrong!" Hannah replies with a weak response, struggling for words

"Well, I am a christian too and I don't agree with what you say - God accepts all and he loves all. No matter what you say" Eve swiftly tells Hannah, earning a round of applause

Fast forwarding further to the day, it's the lunch break and I sit down with Connor and Jenny in lunch

"So, Liam, Connor wants to ask you something" Jenny smirks, nudging Connor and then flipping her hair behind her should nonchalantly 

"Um..." Connor says, with his face turning bright red. "Um?" I reply

"I'll say it quick; wanna be my boyfriend?" Connor asks, looking like he'll explode. I can feel my eyes widen, my face turn red in a blushing frenzy and my mouth turn into a huge grin 

"Of course!" I practically yell, earning a few glares and looks from some in the dining hall, despite the noise being present as usual. Almost meer seconds after saying yes to his question, Connor leans over the table planting a huge kiss on my lips

"Oh my god, this is adorable!" Jenny squeals. The combination of Jenny's odd sounds and Connor's magical kiss most certainly gets more looks from people around the dining hall; but what do I care? I'm ecstatic!

  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                      Hello!

Sorry for my bad writing and if you're somehow interested in this - sorry for the long wait of a new chapter. I'm trying to write :)

If you want to comment, feel free to do so and maybe drop in an idea or two - you can request to be a character with a brief appearance at some point if you really want to. Also, I might do 'point of views' from different characters at some point (or on the odd occasion). 

If you like the idea, feel free to comment if you really want. I know not many people read this anyway but hey, I enjoy this and maybe if I end the story, it may rack up some more view. Have a nice day :D

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