Plot C 01

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"He had a girly voice," Punchhopper said.

"The incident passes...and all that remains.." Kickhopper said, "is the gates of hell.."

They both slumped against the walls. There wasn't much else to do, but it was a amusing enough job.


That was his communicator, alerting them of their next task.

"Nevermind," Kickhopper said, "Time for work."

Ouja wasn't the only threat to the hells of Badan. They were also tasked taking care of an old enemy. In near sync, Kick and Punch pressed a button on the side of their belts.


Clocking up was the system on their drivers that allowed them to achieve super speed. While many riders and monsters had enhanced speed, the Zect Drivers allowed for a form of hyper speed. A speed so fast most people could barely see the movement. And for those using Clock Up everything except them seemed to be in still motion. This was not a speed that could be achieved by any other rider.

They were running to Badan's very own "death valley." While Badan had created something of a environment for their underground society, it turns out creating "life" wasn't their forte. Like most of their populace, even the foliage was resurrected. Recycled. Reused. Dug up and forced to wake up. The plants weren't even all fitting, they were of different species, different locations, and some even different time periods. It turned out that this method of creating life wasn't sustainable as some plants outright died out and others outright cannabalized each other. It was a struggle for life like no other which resulted in a dry desert. And in that desert laid the other outcasts.

Warms or Worms as they were called. Bug-like alien species who were deemed untrustworthy due to their malicious nature. Worms were an invasive species that landed in a meteorite years ago. Their nature was to copy... no.. steal the identities of other lifeforms. The average most basic form of the Worms were big and green pupae forms called Salis Worms.

Kickhopper didn't know why Badan bothered bringing back them back, but he didn't care. He could see a group of three. He signaled over to Punchhopper for them to begin their attack. Punchhopper activated another button on his belt.


Energy activated on the belt in a satisfying cackle and with a single explosive punch, the Worms were destroyed with green smoke filling the area. Both riders came to a halt as they remarked over their destruction.


"I remember these Worms more and more, how they fight, how they move, its too easy." Punchhopper said, "Back to the gates eh?"


Kickhopper knew that sound. He immediately reached for his belt but he knew it'd be too late.

"Bro..Watc-!" he shouted.

Punchhopper was sent flying, in the air by something flying by. It was only a blur, but he recognized it, the appearance of something in Clock Up.


He darted forward seeing a spider-based worm. Aracnea he thought? The creature made eye contact with Kickhopper and lunged forward firing a net of spider web. He went fast, sliding on his knees forward with a frontal jab to the Worm's stomach. And then sent forward a series of rapid kicks keeping the Worm moving backward, giving his partner time to recover.


There he was. Punchhopper ran over grabbing the Worm and tossed him to the side with his own punch.

"This must be the target..!" Punch said.

"I envy him. Living free from Badan's grip," he said, "Yet unaware he is caught in the same."

The Worm growled as they both now sent a fist forward. After the force, it surprisingly ran backward zig zagging back and forth. The Hoppers followed pressing their belt buttons again.


Flying high in the air, they readied to strike again. They couldn't immediately execute another finisher, but could still put the hurt.


Except then the Aracnea Worm fired another web net entrapping them as soon as they landed. They were still in Clock Up, but stuck in one place. Immediately they were trying to tear through the webbing, but its substance was difficult. The Worm snarled at them, which Kickhopper could only assume was a taunt.

Then suddenly before they could get any further, Kickhopper noticed something flying toward them. It looked like a spear. It was flying at them in what seemed to be slow motion but was still unexpectedly close. Which meant it was thrown ahead of time to anticipate their location!


They were knocked out of transformation as they rolled over to the ground. They had some light bruises but nothing they couldn't get handle. Kickhopper immediately readied his Zecter for use again as he saw his new opponent. It was a creature he had no experience fighting, a Orphnoch. Judging by its markings, it was a lion. The kaijin retrieved its spear, as the Spider Worm stood next to him.

"Worms... and Orphnochs.. Working together?" he asked.

And then in a flash, the Worm grabbed the Orphnoch and they were gone. Punchhopper showed visible frustration but Kickhopper stood up and began walking back toward the city gates.

"I envy them.. " he said, "Having comrades."

"You have me brother," Punchhopper said.

Kickhopper said nothing knowing this was true but instead wishing to brood.


He helped his partner up. It didn't matter that they lost, just that they fought and experienced the pain of losing. There would be other battles. 

Next chapter 12/22/23

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