Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


It was cold, the classroom was full with warm bodies but the air around was chilled. FallHouse High School was naturally cold, in the winter and summer. In the far corner of the cold classroom was a boy. His brown hair messy, his blue eyes staring down at the paper on his desk. His name is Greyson Enners.


Flying through the hallways of the naturally cold high school is a crow, its black wings spread out, and its dark beady eyes staring through the hallway. Halfway down the hallway it landed on the ground and started hopping around. Smoke started rising from the crow, its feathers burned off, and its bones started growing. What once was a bird was now a man. Dressed in all black, the man started walking through the hallway. His hair a silver-whitish color. The smirk on his face was as scary looking as his dark red eyes. He stopped in the middle of the hallway and looked around. The classroom to his left had a special boy in it, a boy he needed. He lifted up his hand, reached it out and before he could blink, half the hallway was already engulfed in flames.


The alarm went off two minutes after the fire started. The warm bodies in the classroom got up and crowded the door.

"Calm down!" shouted Mr. Landon "Move away from the door!"

The kids didn't listen, all of them except for Greyson were pushing and shoving to get out of the room, ignoring the fact that the fire was right outside. Greyson, actually thinking, went to the other direction of the room and opened the window closest to him. Without thinking about anyone else he jumped out of the window and landed in a bush outside the classroom.

Then he started running, his feet not stopping for nothing. The smell of smoke made him cough and hurt his eyes. Eyes closed, coughing, he tripped on a rock and doubled over on the grass.


The world spun around Greyson, when the spinning slowed down he opened his eyes and shut them immediately when the sun hit them. He turned his head slightly to the left and opened his eyes once more. The grass that surrounded him poked his back and legs. Pulling his body up from the floor he got up and stared at his surroundings. He was exactly where he was when he fell, the school to his left. The smell of smoke still strong, the entire school blackened with ash. The flames engulfed the building scorching the sides, the roof, and the inside. Greyson couldn't stay here, he was too close to the burning school. Once again he started running, not looking back. As he kept on running the smell of smoke stopped. Far off in the distance he saw something.

A girl.

She was running towards him, the only thing he could recognize from her was her bright red hair. When she got towards him he got a good look at her. She was beautiful, her eyes a bright green, her hair a fiery red. She was wearing skin tight black clothing, the serious look on her face made her seem scary yet charming.

"Greyson right?" she said, her eyes flickering from the burning building back to the boy.

Greyson kept his eyes on her, her face magnetized him. He nodded quickly. She reached her hand out.

"We have to go" her eyes still flickering around "now."

Greyson took her hand but looked back as she started pulling him the other way.

"But what about my parents?! What about the others in the school?!"

The girl was still pulling at him "Greyson we need to get you out of here, now!"

Greyson stopped looking back and ran with the girl.

The two kept on running, through the forest that surrounded the back of the school, till they reached a large lake. The girl let go of Greyson's hand and sat down on a log by the lake. Greyson sat down with her.

"Your pretty quiet" she told him "usually I'm on rescue duty. All they do is ask thousands upon thousands of questions."

"Who are you?" Greyson asked slowly hoping she wouldn't get mad.

"My name is Lucy. They put me on rescue duty about a year ago. My job is to rescue Skin-Walkers. Of course none of the ones I've rescued are as important as you."

Greyson looked at her with wide eyes.

"What's a Skin-Walker? And why am I so important?"

"A Shape-Shifter or Skin-Walker is a person who has the ability to change into something else. For instance I have the ability to change into a Jaguar. You're so special...becau-"

Lucy didn't get to finish her sentence because the sound of cawing interrupted her. Coming from where they just ran a crow swooped over them. Lucy got up and grabbed Greyson's arm again.

"We need to jump into the lake!" Lucy shouted staring at the crow that was perched on a tree.

It started shifting again.

Greyson looked at her, then at the lake. Next thing he knew his feet were moving and his body was submerged in the water, still holding on to Lucy.


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