Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Greyson closed his eyes, took a deep breathe, opened them and looked out at the crowd. Clutching the white card with a symbol of a moose on it. This was the symbol of the Skin-Walkers now, Greyson's Skin-Changer. A moose.

"Good evening" his voice covered the whole room "in only a couple of days, we will enter war."

The crowd stared, no cheering. Greyson looked out and the only person he could see was Castor.

There were two large flags on both sides of him, a silver moose in the middle.

Greyson was supposed to say more, much more but all he said was three words.

"We will rise."

Lucy sat on the edge of Greyson's bed. Focusing on the words Castor was saying.

"So...this is it?"

Castor looked over at Hazel, then at Greyson.

"This is it" Hazel said back.

The war began tomorrow.

"Greyson and I are going in" Lucy said "Mr. Walker tried to stop us but he couldn't."

Greyson sat on the floor staring at the wall, he agreed to fight in the war but he was a bit unsure of his answer.

"I'll be with the medical team so hopefully I won't see you guys."

"Hopefully?" Castor asked.

"I don't want to see any of you hurt!" Hazel said quickly.

"I barely had time to train" Greyson said from the floor "every time I walked in the training room someone distracted me. I'm not ready."

"I don't think any of us are" Hazel said.

"How does this even work?" Greyson asked.

Lucy turned her body to face him.

"You have the option to use your Skin-Changer, weapons, or both. Most people use both."

"I'm gonna do both" Greyson said back.

"I chose weapons" Castor said "an eagle doesn't really help that much in a war."

"I'm doing both too" Lucy said.

A large siren came over them. All of them beside Greyson got up to go back to their rooms.

Lucy was the last to go, before she left the room she stopped, turned around and looked at Greyson.

"We will rise."

At that she left.


Greyson didn't sleep at all that night.

Early in the morning, a loud siren, the same from last night, surfaced Greyson's ears and he woke up. He got up from the bed, opened the drawer on his left, and took out a special outfit.

When he finished putting it on he looked at himself in the mirror, he uttered a low laugh.

Greyson was wearing all black, he had a chest plate on with a white moose on it. He looked at his bed and saw the last thing he needed to put on.

It was a helmet with antlers.


He left his room and walked in the hallway. It was crowded, every Skin-Walker was wearing exactly what Greyson was except in grey, and no moose on the chest plate.

He was shoved around the hallway as Skin-Walkers flooded down the steps. When they got to the first floor it was crowded with thousands upon thousands of Skin-Walkers.

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