Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Greyson laid in his bed thinking about everything he learned today. He had the ability to shift into a moose, a strong one at that. He also realized how important he was to these people. The minute he walked out of the curtain they screamed and cheered for him. He remembered what he told them.

I am your protection, I am your safety.

The mob of Skin-Walkers followed him to his room and he needed Lucy and Castor to escort him there. He was nothing back at home, and now, he was everything.

He fell asleep shortly after.


A loud siren woke up Greyson from his sleep. He shot up from his bed and waited for his eyes to adjust to the dark. The siren was loud and scary, he remembered Castor telling him that if he heard a siren to stay in his room and make sure it was locked. He sat back on his bed and waited a couple of minutes for the siren to stop.

It didn't.

A little time later a loud, blood curdling scream came from the other side of his door.

"Let me in!" it screamed "please let me in!"

Greyson stayed on his bed and put his head down. Castor said do not open the door for anything, this could be a demon invasion.


It was a girl, and Greyson couldn't take it anymore. He ran over to the large door and opened it. The first thing Greyson noticed was a girl covered in blood on the floor. The second thing he noticed was a dark creature with wings staring directly at him. It resembled a human body, but had large horns, giant oily wings, and bright purple eyes. It what was Castor warned him about, a demon.

Greyson couldn't move, he didn't know what to do. After a couple of seconds of just breathing he decided to grab on to the door and slam it shut. The demon was quicker than him and slipped in his room. It flew on top of him and pinned him down to the floor. Its face was animalistic and its mouth had rows and rows of teeth. Greyson tried to push the demon off of him but it was too strong.

The only thing he could do was what he did. Scream.

The demon had its claws sunken into Greyson's chest, ripping the cloth of his shirt, releasing a dark red liquid. Greyson tried to focus on shifting, he did it earlier today when he was mad. Why won't it happen when he is scared?

Then he felt his bones moving, and his skin burning. Antlers grew from his head. He flicked his head at the demon and the antlers caught its neck. He swung his head back and the demon was smacked back by Greyson. It hit the wall farthest to them. Greyson got up pulled down his head and charged at the demon, he killed it instantly.


The siren stopped, and Lucy walked in the room. Her eyes wide and blood smeared on her shirt.

"Greyson" she said running to him and helping him up from the floor which he laid "Are you alright?"

Greyson nodded at her and looked back at the demon.

"You could of died" she said "Come on we have to get you out of here."

Lucy grabbed onto his hand and led him out of the room into the Safe Zone. There were Skin-Walkers everywhere, some on the floor, some huddled up in corners, others dead on the floor. Blood covered most of them. Lucy was still dragging him along.

"Where are we going?" Greyson asked.

"I'm taking you too Mr. Walker. Castor and Hazel are there also."

Greyson followed her to a large door at the end of the meeting room. She opened it and inside was Mr. Walker, Castor and Hazel.

"He's been attacked" Lucy shouted as she walked in.

Castor who was perched on top of a window sill jumped down and helped Greyson onto a large table to the right of Mr. Walker's desk.

Lucy ripped off the remains of Greyson's shirt and walked away. Hazel came by now, she stared for a long time at the three gashes that marked Greyson's chest.

"Greyson" Castor said, his face directly above his, a couple of inches apart. "You're going to be alright. I promise."


Greyson woke up an hour later still on the large table. He looked around the room and realized no one was there. Then he looked at the floor and realized Castor was laying there, sound asleep.

"Castor..." Greyson said softly.

Castor got up from the floor a second later, his eyes puffy, his hair a mess.

"Greyson!" Castor said "Great! You're up!"

Greyson lifted his body up from the table, he sat upright.

"Where is everyone?" Greyson asked.

"It's really late Greyson, everyone went to sleep. I didn't want to leave you here by yourself... so I ugh...decided to stay here with you" Castor said looking embarrassed.

Greyson smiled at him. "It's fine."

At that moment Greyson looked down at his bare chest and realized the three gashes were gone.

"What the hell!" Greyson said excitedly "Where did the cuts go!"

"Hazel has a way" Castor said still smiling.

"God, she's amazing" Greyson said to Castor.

She really was.


Hope you guys enjoyed! Please comment and vote if you liked it!!!

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