Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Greyson looked in the small mirror of his room. He pulled on the suit he was wearing, it was dramatically too tight. Castor stood behind him looking at him in the mirror.

"Don't you look sharp" he said smiling.

"It's tight."

"It's supposed to be."

The suit was white, completely white and Greyson thought that he looked like an angel.

"How do you tie a tie?"

"You don't know how to tie a tie?" Castor asked.

Greyson shook his head.

"Greyson" Castor started, his voice serious "Hazel and I aren't going to be at the dinner tonight. But there will be a lot of council Skin-Walkers and old wealthy ones too."

"Lucy's gonna be there" Greyson said turning around and looking at Castor.

Castor started tying Greyson's tie. Castor was wearing the usual grey clothes, it was like comparing the richest man (Greyson) to the poorest (Castor.)

Mr. Walker told Greyson and Lucy about the dinner immediately after they got back from the school. Greyson didn't want to go at first but then he realized he didn't really have a choice. Mr. Walker sent him this suit, Mr. Walker wanted everything perfect.

A knock on the door made Castor let go of Greyson and walk over to the door. He opened it and Hazel walked in wearing grey, Lucy in the back of her wearing a long blue dress.

"You ready cutie?" Lucy asked.

Greyson's cheeks turned red.


"Mr. Enners... how does it feel to be a new-found celebrity?" asked an old women with expensive jewelry on her body.

Greyson lifted his eyes from the table and looked at her. "I cannot lie, it feels pretty good."

She smiled at him and he smiled back.

"You are so handsome" she said after and Greyson looked the other way.

Lucy was sitting by him and she nudged him under the table, he looked over at her. Greyson then realized Mr. Walker asked him something.

"Excuse me sir?"

"What are your thoughts on the war?"

"Yeah... Mr. Enners" said another man next to Mr. Walker "what are your thoughts?"

A couple of other men and women agreed.

Greyson cleared his throat.

"I feel that this war isn't needed."

Some of the men and women opened there mouths in shock.

"We live in a world with demons, they will attack, they will try to eradicate us. What we need to do is fight...yes. But we don't need a war so we could not only kill demons but kill most of us."

"That's a very good reason Mr. Enners, but no matter what happens the war will commence."

Greyson only nodded.


Short I know but after this chapter starts the early stages of the war and those chapters are going to get LONG. Hope you guys enjoyed! Remember too vote,comment, and share the story! :)

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