Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Greyson's eyes flicked from Castor to the water bottle. He didn't understand what Castor meant, and he wasn't just going to ask him to clarify.

"You're my best friend Greyson" Castor said "I care about you."

Oh, that's what he meant.

Greyson's cheeks got rosy. Castor caught site of that.

"What did you think I meant?"

"Oh" Greyson said looking the other way "nothing...nothing."

Castor smiled.

But only for a second because a large demon jumped out of the bushes and landed on Castor's back. He shouted and flew his arms back, clawing at the demon.

This demon didn't look like the others. It looked human with dark black-green spots growing on him. He moved like an animal.

Greyson grabbed a knife from his bag and flung it at the demon. It landed on its leg and it fell off of Castor. Castor clutched his knife in his hand and stabbed the demon in its neck.

"Castor" Greyson said looking at the demon "it looks very familiar."

He pointed at the creature and Castor looked down at it.

The demon's face was very similar to a humans, very, very similar. Before it died it opened its eyes and both boys realized something.

It had blue eyes.

"That was a Skin-Walker" Greyson said.

Skin-Walkers were becoming demons.


Several minutes later, when the realization of who they just killed settled in, Castor got an idea.

"I could fly around. See if I see anyone out there."

Greyson only nodded.

Castor stood up from the dirt they were sitting on and closed his eyes. Smoke began to release from his body, his skin started moving, his bones cracking and shifting. Before Greyson noticed Castor was a large eagle.

The eagle nodded at Greyson and flew up into the air.


Greyson sat there holding a knife in his hand. Prepared for anything that would come and attack him. He heard some rustling in a tree next to him and got ready to throw the knife.

Castor flew out of the tree and landed on the ground by him.

The smoke came back, the bones broke, the skin moved.

"Greyson" said human looking Castor "we have a big problem."

Greyson felt a knot in his stomach.

"What's the problem?"

"Everything is on fire. Everything. All the trees."

"It's not real Castor" Greyson said "we went right pass it before and nothing happened."

"Greyson this is real fire, I flew pass it and I felt the heat. And there's something else."


"There's thousands of- GREYSON LOOK OUT!"

A fire ball, the size of the sun came hurdling at them. Both of them darted in the other direction hoping to dodge the large sum of fire. It hit the ground they were standing in with a large sssssss sound and the whole area burst into flames.

The heat was unbearable.

While running a demon jumped out of the bushes, into the path they were running through and started chasing them. The fire was catching up to them and so was a demon now.

Greyson grabbed the antler helmet off of his head and tossed it at the demon.

It hit it and the demon was engulfed in flames.

"There's no way out of this!" Castor panted.

Greyson looked around his surroundings. Trees, trees, trees. He tilted his head to the left and saw something that was something of a miracle.

"Castor! Water!"

He pointed at and Castor looked in the direction. A large body of water laid there. Both boys left the path they were running on and jumped in the water.

The fire passed them and they rose to the surface.

"That was awesome!" Castor said.

"It really wasn't" Greyson said back.

Castor laughed.


They got out of the water and onto the dirt that surrounded it.

"This place has a lot of water. This is the second body of water we've seen."

"Pretty unfortunate that Deviathin's using fire to attack us" Greyson said.



Both boys started walking back into the forest, hoping to find anyone. After walking for an hour they stumbled upon two voices.

"Idiot" said one of them "I was with Greyson a while ago. He ran that way."

"Then let's go find him" said the other.

Greyson ran out of the bushes him and Castor were hiding in.


"There you are" Paul said smiling.

He didn't look like he did before the war started. He had cuts all over his face. A black eye and his skin was whiter than before.

"Any run-ins with Devi?" Paul asked.

Greyson only nodded.

"I was with Donovan before I met with Lucy. He's different" Paul said.


"He's a demon now."


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