Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Lucy had a white card clutched in her hands. She was standing on the stage in the main room. The black blood of the girl gone. Shockingly Lucy had her hair down, she was also wearing a red dress and makeup.

"Good evening Skin--Walkers" she said, her voice higher than usual, "my name is Lucy Crome and like my friend Mr. Enners I am here to guarantee your safety."

Reading the white card Lucy smiled at the people.

"Here to talk more about it Greyson Enners."

Lucy walked off of the stage. Moments later Greyson got up on the stage. The sight of him made the crowd scream.

"Hello" Greyson said "Lucy talked to you about the problem. I'm here to talk to you about the solution. A problem this big will only be solved with you guys. If you see a Skin-Walker possessing Demonic behavior please report them."

Greyson walked off and the screams came back again.


Greyson and Lucy sat in chairs in Mr. Walkers office. Lucy still in her red dress, Greyson wearing a black suit. Mr. Walker sat in his chair, his hands folded on his desk.

"You guys did wonderful."

Lucy smiled "thank you, sir."

"Greyson and Lucy...the Skin-Walker duo that will change our world."

Greyson and Lucy looked at each other with awkward faces.

"Mr. Walker" Greyson said breaking the awkward silence "what about Castor and Hazel?"

Mr. Walker looked at him with a confused look.

"I chose you Greyson, and Lucy for a reason. Respect that."

Greyson nodded.


When Greyson and Lucy walked out of Mr. Walker's office, hundreds of Skin-Walkers crowded the two asking questions and just shouting. Lucy grabbed Greyson's hand and pulled him through the crowd.

They went back to Greyson's room where Hazel and Castor waited.

Hazel opened the door and the two flooded in.

"Were famous now" Lucy said "I hate it."

Greyson started taking off articles of the suit.

"I don't mind it that much" he said only in black pants and a white under shirt.

"This isn't why we're here" Castor said eyeing Lucy.

"We need to talk about the war, we know" Lucy said.

The announcement was made yesterday. The Skin-Walkers are going to war.

"Mr. Walker says we don't have to participate" Greyson added.

"He meant you two, I still have to go" Castor said.

"So do I" Hazel said "there gonna need a lot of nurses."

Lucy sat down on Greyson's bed.

"I'm going" Greyson said.

"No you can't" Lucy said "your too famous here, if you die everyone will go crazy."

"He can't die" Hazel said.

"That was one time, we're not sure about the second, or the third."

"Or the fourth" Castor added.


The four of them sat at a table in the training room. Lucy was showing Greyson her knife collection and Castor was telling Hazel about the demon he killed with the arrow.

They heard the training room door open and slipped in a boy. He walked over to them, his hair a buzz cut, and his eyes green.

"Hey Paul" Castor said.

So this is Paul.

He smiled and sat down, right next to...Hazel.

Hazel looked at him and then looked the other way towards Greyson.

"So..." Paul said looking at Lucy, then at Greyson, then at Castor. "How many of you are going into war?"

Castor raised his hand, so did Lucy, so did Greyson.

"That's two celebrities" Paul said smiling.

He keeps on smiling.

He turned his focus to Greyson.

"Greyson, mind showing me something" Paul said motioning towards the targets on the other side of the room.

Greyson nodded and got up, both of them walked over to the target, Lucy followed. Greyson took a knife from Lucy and stood directly across the target.

He pulled back his hand.

"No" Paul said "you're holding it wrong."

Greyson dropped his hand and looked at him. Paul walked over to him and placed one hand on Greyson's arm, the other on Greyson's stomach. Greyson pulled back quickly, Paul smiled.

He showed Greyson how he would throw it, his hand still touching his stomach.

"Now let it go."

Greyson threw it and it hit the target directly in the middle.

"Congrats Paul, you're a rapist" Castor said still sitting down.

Paul made a serious face, for the first time, and slowly took his hand off of Greyson.

"See you guys around" he said and walked away.


Double update! Remember to vote, comment, and share the story with your friends, loved ones, animals, etc. :)

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