Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The lake water was cold, Greyson's eyes were shut the entire time down in the water. After about 4 seconds of waiting in freezing water holding on to a girl's hand he met 10 minutes ago, everything around him started turning white. He didn't notice his eyes were open and he also didn't notice that the sensation of being wet was gone. Lucy was next to him, she pulled her hand away from his.


They were in a white room, the walls, the floor, everything was white. At the end of the room was a grey door. Lucy walked over to it put all her wait on the grey handle and pulled it open. The sound of people talking hit Greyson's ears and he walked over to where Lucy was.

When he went passed the grey door, Greyson's eyes widened and his jaw hung open. Inside the door was a large room, in the front of him about 10 feet away was large desks where people in grey uniforms sat. All around Greyson and Lucy were people, some dressed in black others in grey. They were all different ages, from young kids to old grownups. A boy with silver hair walked over to Lucy and Greyson. A smile on his face, holding a clipboard he started talking to Lucy.

"Is this him?" he said looking at Greyson now "is this Greyson Enners."

"In the flesh" Lucy replied.

The boy's eyes widened just like Greyson's. His hand flung out, Greyson shook it.

"Hello" the boy said nervously "my name is Castor and...I've been studying you for a while."

Greyson looked at him like he was crazy.


"Of course!" Castor said much louder than the previous sentence "no Skin-Walker has the power to shift to multiple animals."

Lucy elbowed him in the chest. He stopped talking.

"So that's why I'm special?" Greyson looked at Lucy now "I could change into more animals then you?"

"Then everyone here Greyson. You're a celebrity."

As if on command someone shouted from far away "THAT'S GREYSON ENNERS!" and hundreds of people started crowding the three.


After fighting off the crowd, Lucy brought Greyson to his room where he would stay till all the commotion dies down.

"This place is called The Safe Zone. This is where Skin-Walkers will go if they need help" said Lucy sitting down on Greyson's new bed. "Of course there are more people here than ever before because we recently got threatened by the same person that burned down your school."

Greyson just nodded trying to take in all this information in.

"You're taking this much easier than most of our newbies" Lucy said.

Greyson just looked at her and smiled. She looked at him with a serous face, but then smiled after.

"Castor has found an interest in you. He gets happy over little things."

"He seemed nice" Greyson said.

Lucy nodded.

She was about to say something when a loud knock on Greyson's door stopped her. Lucy got up and opened it, a girl with brown hair walked in.

Like Lucy she was gorgeous, her eyes blue, her hair a light brown. She was looking at Lucy.

"I've been looking for you all around the Safe Zone" she said.

"I've been with the newbie" Lucy said gesturing to Greyson.

The girl took a look at him and smiled.

"My name is Hazel" she said, her eyes staring directly into Greyson's blue eyes.

Greyson just stared, didn't say anything.

"His name is Gre-"

"Greyson" Hazel said quickly "everyone knows who he is."

Greyson stopped staring at got up from the bed.

"How long do we have to wait here?" he asked.

"We will leave when Castor comes back" Lucy said.

"Where's Castor?" asked Hazel.

"He's finishing up work, then we can go and show our newbie around."


10 minutes later a knock on the door hit their ears and Castor came in as soon as Hazel opened it. He had a smile on his face, so did Lucy.


They showed Greyson everything. The Training Room which was a large room filled with every weapon you could name. The Cafeteria which had rows of tables for eating. Council Rooms for meetings, and thousands of small rooms for Skin-Walkers all around the world. There is only one Safe Zone in America, its located in California, where Greyson lives.


The four of them sat around a table in the lunch room. They were finishing explaining to Greyson everything he needed to know about the Safe Zone and Skin-Walkers in general.

"You start training tomorrow Greyson" says Castor.

Greyson looked at him and nodded.

Castor smiled at him back.


Walking back to Greyson's room, the four of them were stopped by an old scary looking man.

He was wearing a grey suit that looked expensive and clean.

"Mr. Enners" he said in a thick-scary voice "I see you have made friends with fellow Skin-Walkers." He nodded at the other three next to Greyson. "Lucinda, how was it recruiting our celebrity?"

Lucy stepped up and smiled at him. "Very easy sir."

"Good job, I'll see you young ones around." at that he walked away.

"That's Mr. Walker. Founder of the Safe Zone" Castor said.

Greyson looked over to Lucy.

"Lucinda?" he said laughing.

"Shut up" she said back.


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