Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Greyson's eyes focused on the grey wall on the opposite side of him. The chair he was sitting in was located in the infirmary. Donovan was in the room to his right and he needed to know if he was alright. Also Hazel was in the room to his left helping another patient so he figured he wait for he as well. He was wearing a black hoodie and dark jeans. He didn't want anyone to come up to him to ask for an autograph or say hi.

Ten minutes later Hazel walked out of the room and walked over to Greyson.

"Greyson" she said her eyes focusing on him "please go get some rest. Its 4 am."

Greyson looked over to Hazel and smiled. "I'm fine."

Hazel sighed and walked back into the room she came from. Greyson still sat there.


Later on, at 6 am, Greyson decided to get up and leave the infirmary. His eyes drooping, his body weak from the lack of sleep. He left the room and entered the large hallway that lead to the staircase up to his room. The Infirmary was two floors below his room. Being sleep deprived, Greyson did not realize that someone was following him. When an eerie growl escaped the persons mouth Greyson looked back.

It was a boy, he was wearing the usual clothes people wore here, grey. Just like Greyson he had brown hair. Dark green veins covered most of his bare skin. His eyes a dark, beady red.

"Are you okay?" Greyson asked, eyes wide.

The boy stared silently, moved his neck slowly to the right, than charged at Greyson.

Black tongue out of his mouth, his legs moving quickly towards Greyson. When he got close enough he tackled Greyson on the floor. He pinned him down and Greyson began to scream. The boy was really strong, so Greyson laid there with him on top clawing and snaring at him.

"Down with the Skin-Walkers" it chanted loudly, still clawing at Greyson.

Greyson pushed the boy's body off of his and to the side, he hit the wall with a thud. Greyson got on top of the boy and began striking him in the face with his fist. The boy's strength proved stronger and he shoved Greyson off with intense might. Greyson doubled over on the cold floor a couple feet away from the boy.

"DOWN WITH THE SKIN-" the boy didn't get to finish his sentence.

An arrow pierced his head, digging into the skull. His body crumpled on the floor.

Greyson looked up to see Castor with a bow in his hand. Castor ran over to him and helped him up from the floor.

"Castor" Greyson said looking back as Castor pulled him away "what was that? Castor! What was that?!"

Castor said nothing, just kept on pushing Greyson's body.


Castor took Greyson to the training room. Waiting there was Lucy with a worried look on her face. In her hand was a throwing knife. When she saw Castor and Greyson she dropped the knife and ran over to them.

"Castor is he alright?"

"Yeah Lucy, just a little scratch on his arm."

"Mr. Walker can't keep him here, he is in danger."

"Lucy, where are we going to put him?"

Greyson laid there, listening faintly to Lucy and Castor talk. The lights above him got bigger and bigger until they were all he saw.

He shut his eyes shortly after.



"Greyson, please...come on!"


The sound of crying and screaming surfaced his ears finally. His eyes opened shortly after, the screaming stopped.

Someone was hugging him now, someone with brown hair.

"Greyson" Hazel said tears streaming down her eyes "you died, you were dead."

Greyson looked at her with a confused face.

"The poison from the darkened one, killed you young man" Mr. Walker said standing over him, to his side was Lucy and Castor.

Hazel let him go and he looked at his arm, a dark cut lay there.

"If I died" Greyson started "how am I alive now?"

"You're not like us Greyson" Lucy said "you're a special Skin-Walker, one that could heal himself. We don't really understand how yet but were working on it."

Castor came up close to Greyson, his smile telling Greyson that everything was okay.

"You're fine, just a little scratch. Nothing can stop you."

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