Chapter 20 The Final Chapter

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Chapter 20

The final chapter

Greyson tossed and turned in his bed. After having the speech with Lucy both of them went to a dinner hosted by Mr. Walker with more fancy old people and very delicious food. When the dinner was over both of them met up with Hazel and Paul in Hazel's room. They talked the whole time about the future and once it got late enough everyone went back to their rooms to sleep.

It was late and Greyson was still tossing in his bed.

He got up, stared at the wall for a couple of minutes then laid back down in his bed.

You're a hero Greyson, a hero.

He smiled to himself, then fell asleep.


It felt like seconds before he felt someone shaking him up.

"Greyson...get up! Get up!"

His eyes shot open and above him was Castor. He smiled at Greyson and continued to shake him.

"Get up!"

Greyson sat up on his bed and stared into Castor's eyes.

"Is it really you?"

"Of course bud!"

Castor pulled the blanket off of Greyson and grabbed onto his hand, pulled him out of the bed and embraced Greyson in a hug.

Greyson hugged back, till he felt pain coming from his back.

"'re holding on too tight."

"This isn't over Greyson" said a very deep voice that wasn't Castor's.

Greyson pulled him off, his face was covered in the black liquid. The liquid slipped off his face to show Deviathin's.

"Long live Deviathin" he shouted at the top of lungs.

Greyson took a step back and covered his ears.


"NO" Greyson shouted trying to block him out.


Greyson jumped out of his bed and fell to the ground bumping his head on the cold floor.

It was just a dream, just a dream.

Greyson got up from the floor, reached for his blanket that was on the floor with him, and realized something.

There was paint on him...white and black paint.

He got up from his bed and walked over to the mirror over his desk too look at himself.

His whole body was covered in black paint, and over it was paint that resembled bones. On his face was paint that resembled a skull.

Greyson was a skeleton.

He put his hand to his face to see if the paint would wipe off, it didn't. He stared in the mirror, stared and stared till the paint was gone and he didn't even look like himself.

He looked like Castor, he had Castor's face.

Then he blinked.

Then he looked like Paul, with his short hair and big eyes.

Then he blinked.

And then he looked like Deviathin.

He screamed and ran out of his room.


Greyson ran down the hallway, down the steps to the main room where he spoke a couple of hours ago.

Running and running he bumped into someone. Both of them crashed onto the floor and Greyson got up first to see who it was.

"Paul!" he shouted.

Paul got up from the ground and looked at Greyson, his eyes widened.

"Lucy!" Paul shouted and out came Lucy and Hazel from Mr. Walker's office.

Both girls took one look at Greyson and their mouths dropped and eyes widened.

Greyson looked down at his hands and saw the black paint again, so they must be looking at the skeleton paint thingy.

Mr. Walker walked out of his room shortly after.

"What's happening to me?!" Greyson cried out.


Sitting on Mr. Walker's desk Greyson patiently waited for them to come back in the room. Hazel stayed with him. She kept her eyes on him and time to time Greyson caught her and she looked away quickly.

Ten minutes later Mr. Walker came back with Lucy and Paul, clutching a large book. He placed it on the desk and fake smiled at Greyson.

Flipping through the pages he stopped at one with an illustration of a skeleton, and next to it an illustration of a regular body.

"Greyson...we thought you were special because you could Skin-Walk into multiple animals" Mr. Walker said to him still looking at the book.

"It turns out we were wrong" Lucy said continuing the sentence.

"This is a very old legend Greyson... about a person who could not only Skin-Walk into animals, but other Skin-Walkers or humans in general too." Mr. Walker finally took his eyes off of the book and placed them on Greyson's eyes.

"You are a one of a kind creature Mr. Enners."

Paul now stepped up and stared Greyson in the eyes. They were so close Paul's blue eyes were the only thing he saw.



"Have you ever heard of a Skeleton-Runner?"


Hope you guys enjoyed the story! It was so much fun to write! Remember to comment, vote, and share the story with everyone you know!

The sequel: Skeleton-Runners will be out soon!

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