Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Greyson took a good long look at the people he was with. Lucy, a leader. Castor, a fighter. Paul, a devoted creep.

"How did it happen?" Castor asked thinking about the demon before.

"We were walking" Paul said "when a demon jumped out of the bushes, and bit his throat out. I screamed for help but no one could hear me I guess. Then, all of a sudden his bones started cracking and he was back. Except...different."

Greyson nodded.

"We ran into the same problem an hour ago."

"This means the demon bite is infecting Skin-Walkers" Lucy said.

Paul walked over to Greyson and looked at him in the eyes.

"Looks like this is war."


The four of them walked from the wooded area to a beachy area with a large ocean to there right.

"What the hell?" Lucy stammered as they left the forest and stumbled upon a beach.

"This place is really weird" Castor said back to her.

It was pitch black out, the moon was high above them being the only light they could see. The sandy area gave them a perfect view of everything around them, no demons were going to sneak up on them. They sat together in a circle by the ocean.

"So" Paul said looking around the group "how many deaths have you seen?"

"Two" Lucy and Greyson said at the same time.

They looked at each other, then Greyson continued.

"A boy was attacked by a demon, and another got there head crushed by Deviathin."


"What about you?" Castor asked.


Everyone's mouths opened.

"I counted myself. We were resting, when two demons came over us. Big ones. The crazy thing is, I didn't count their bodies, I counted how many times I heard there backs crack."

Paul hid his face, he was thinking way too much.

"I saw Hazel."

Greyson's face lit up.


"Down that way" Paul said pointing to the left "it was brief, she was with another nurse picking up a body."

"Who do you think is winning?" Lucy said focusing on the waves.

"Demons" everyone else said.

They were right.


Several minutes later, everyone was laying down in the sand, keeping their eyes open. No one was going to sleep.

What startled all of them was a long-skinny spear that stabbed the sand in the middle of their area. Greyson got up first, then Lucy, then Paul and Castor.

"Where did that come from?!" Castor asked lifting his head up from his shoulder.

They looked around, all they saw was the beach, water, and a line of trees.

Then Deviathin came in sight.

"There!" Lucy screamed and everyone turned to see Deviathin with five demons on each side.

In his hand, another spear, with red dripping from the tip.

All four of them darted in the other direction. It was difficult because of the sand but they kept a good pace. The demons ran at them with incredible speed, Deviathin stayed standing there. Waiting.

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