Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Deviathin raised his face from Greyson's ear and stared down at the boy.

"Do you know who I am?"

Greyson started squirming away from him but his nails were still in his chest, still digging into him.

"Say my name" Deviathin said holding his stare on Greyson. His red eyes burning into Greyson's blue.

Greyson laid his head back on the dirt and started screaming for help.


"" Deviathin said twisting his nails in Greyson's chest.

His screams got louder and louder.

"Deviathin! Your name is Deviathin!" Greyson finally managed to get out.

"Do you know what I did?"

" killed my father."

"And your mother, and now you."

Deviathin lifted his other hand up, his nails extremely long. He was getting ready to swipe down and cut Greyson's throat when a large knife entered his chest.

His hand dropped down.

"Greyson go!" said a familiar voice.

"Castor!" Greyson shouted trying to get away from Deviathin.

Castor ran over to them and shoved Deviathin off of Greyson. His nails flying out of his chest. Greyson got up from the floor, pain surging through his body and darted the other direction.

"Castor let's go!"

Deviathin had his hand around Castor's neck. Greyson had no choice but to run back. He needed an arrow, he needed just one arrow.

He drew his hand back to the bag he was holding. Unzipped it and fumbled in it to look for an arrow. Dodging knives and other weapons he finally found an arrow.

Thank god.

He took of his bow, placed the arrow on the string, and aimed at Deviathin's head.

He let it go.

It hit him in the neck.

Deviathin let go of Castor and he slashed him in the stomach with a knife he was holding and ran towards Greyson.

"GET OVER HERE!" Deviathin shouted, blood dripping from his neck.

Both Greyson and Castor ran in the forest. Dodging trees and looking over at each other to make sure they were side by side.

They never looked back.


After running for what seemed about 30 minutes, the boys stopped by a patch of grass. Sitting down, Castor dug in his bag and pulled out a water bottle.

"Here" he said passing it to Greyson.

Greyson looked at him, then at the flying water bottle. He caught it and hesitated to drink it.

"What about you?"

"You deserve it Greyson" Castor said.

"Why do I deserve it?"

"Because your Greyson Enners, the celebrity. You need to stay safe. No one cares about me. If I die, they will take my body and put it in a coffin and that's the end. If you died the whole Skin-Walker race would be devastated."

"Castor!" Greyson shouted "I don't want to be that person that everyone is going to die for. I want to be the person that protects everyone. Drink the water, you need it."

Greyson through it at Castor.

"It's not about me protecting our celebrity!" Castor shouted "it's about protecting you because I love you."

He through the water bottle at Greyson. Greyson didn't drink it.


Awe! Castor is such a buddy! Hope you guys enjoyed! Remember to vote, comment, and share the story.  Comment your thoughts so  far on the story! 


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