Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Greyson looked at his breakfast with a disgusted face. On his plate was an apple, toast, and scrambled eggs.

"Eat Greyson" Lucy said gobbling down her food.

"Fine" he grumbled. Greyson never liked mornings.

At the table they were at was Lucy, Castor and himself. No one saw Hazel this morning.

Greyson sat there, lazily stuffing food in his mouth, thinking about that first demon attack. The girl, bloody on the floor. What happened to her?

"Bad news" Hazel said walking over to the group.

Lucy looked up from her breakfast.

"I talked to Paul. There's been demon attacks all around the world."

"Who's Paul?" Greyson asked.

"He's in charge of staying in contact with other Safe Zones" Lucy explained.

"He's also Hazel's Ex-boyfriend" Castor blurted out.

"Castor, shut up" Hazel replied embarrassed.

Greyson caught Hazel's face before she shielded it, her cheeks were red.

"More attacks equals more death, more death equals Skin-Walker extinction" Lucy said.

Hazel sat down and ate with them, or at least ate with Castor and Lucy.


Castor pulled back the arrow, let it go and it flew through the air hitting a target directly in the middle shortly after. Greyson watched carefully.

"Your turn Greyson" Castor said.

He handed Greyson the bow and arrows.

Greyson lined up the arrow, pulled it back and stared at his target. He let it go and the arrow flew in the air, hitting the wall.

"Greyson Enners, our people's hero, sucks at archery" said a voice coming from the back of the training room.

"Donovan" Castor said looking back to the boy "go bother someone else."

Donovan walked up to the two boys. "Lucinda isn't here. Just you too, why?"

Greyson dropped the bow. "Why do you care?"

Donovan watched as the bow hit the floor. "That's Castor's precious bow, don't break it."

Greyson now was mad.

Castor waked over to pick up the bow but Greyson already bent down and grabbed it.

"I'm out of the hospital, thanks to you, the pretty nurse...what's her name again...Hannah?"


"Yes...Hazel...told me that I should train as soon as I don't feel pain anymore."

Donovan walked closer to Greyson and whispered in his ear. "And as of now, I'm better as ever."

He snatched the bow from Greyson, picked up and arrow from the sheath, lined it up, and let it go.

The arrow hit the middle of the target.

"Why am I not a Skin-Walker celebrity?" Donovan asked himself.

"Because you're an asshole" Castor said snatching back his bow "let's go Greyson."

"Defending your boyfriend I see?" Donovan asked making fun of the two.

Castor, for some reason, got really mad at this comment but kept on walking.


Greyson sat in his room, lights off on the bed. It wasn't time to sleep yet but he had nothing better to do. That was till a knock on the door startled him. Greyson got up and opened the door.

It was Hazel.

"Oh, hey Hazel-"

"Greyson somethings happened, we need to go now" Hazel said cutting him off.

They both ran to the main room where Greyson had his speech. When they got there they saw almost all of the Skin-Walkers gathering around the stage. On the stage was a Skin-Walker.

In his hand a knife, the knife was pressed to a neck, Mr. Walker's neck.

Greyson's eyes widened, he started to sweat. The Skin-Walker was saying something.


It was a girl, her brown hair long, her face pretty. Pretty...except for the black stuff coming out of her mouth.

The room got quiet.

"I am your protection, I am your safety" she said mimicking Greyson.

Then a loud, witch-like laugh escaped her mouth.

"Deviathin's alive. Deviathin is real. And he is coming for all of you."

The girl was whipping her hair back and forth now laughing.


Everyone in the room looked back to where Greyson was.

"By next month, you all will be dead" she said laughing.

"Down with the Skin-Walkers" she said for the last time.

She lifted up the knife from Mr. Walkers neck and placed it on her own. With one move she slit her own throat and collapsed on the stage floor in black blood.

I am your protection, I am your safety.


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