Chapter 1 - Camp

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Iris, now seven years old, had lived her entire life in the realm of death. Her days were painted with lessons in demi-god and wizarding magic from the teachings of her guardians, Hades and Persephone, who had nurtured her since infancy.

A hushed unease befell the usually tranquil abode as whispers of unforeseen events crept through the corridors of the Underworld. Three demigods made their way to camp half-blood, seeking sanctuary within the safe confines that many demi-gods had called home.

However an unexpected tragedy befell them,—a clash between the demi-gods and the monsters that hunted them. Amidst the fray, Thalia Grace, one of the demigods, met her untimely end, her fate altered as Zeus, in a last act of care, transformed her into a tree that stood protecting the camp.

Hades, the enigmatic lord of the Underworld, contemplated the implications of this revelation. "Thalia is Zeus's daughter. The oath has been broken," he murmured, a mix of concern and realisation clouding his features.

Persephone, her gaze reflective of worry and compassion, approached Iris with a gentle touch. "My dear Iris, in light of recent events, Hades believes it might be safe for you to go to the camp. Zeus's transgression may protect you," she explained, her voice soft but laced with gravity.

Confusion and worry etched across Iris's countenance as she regarded her guardians. "But why? Will I be safe there?" she inquired, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

Hades, his expression a mask of fatherly concern, knelt before her, his eyes bearing a depth of sorrow and resolution. "It's time for you to be among your peers, my dear. Zeus's breach of the oath might shield you. It's for the best," he said, his voice laced with a mix of reluctance and paternal care.

"I don't want to leave you both," Iris whispered, tears glistening in her eyes, her heart torn between the only family she had known and an uncertain future.

"We'll always be with you, Iris. You're not alone," Persephone reassured, enfolding Iris in a tender embrace.

Amidst the echoes of uncertainty and the weight of unforeseen destinies, Iris stood at the threshold of an uncharted path—a journey that beckoned her to a camp beyond the shadows.

Iris clung tightly to her guardians, Hades and Persephone, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. The weight of leaving behind the nurturing embrace of her devoted parents draped her departure in sorrow.

"I'll miss you both," Iris whispered, her voice quivering with a mix of sadness and reluctant acceptance, her small frame enveloped in an embrace that she wished could linger indefinitely.

Hades, his usual stern countenance softened by paternal affection, held her close. "This is a necessary step, my dear. You'll find companionship beyond these realms," he assured, his voice a gentle rumble laced with empathy.

Persephone, her gaze filled with warmth and understanding, brushed away a stray tear from Iris's cheek. "It's okay to be sad, dear. But this journey brings a world of new experiences and friendships waiting for you," she said, her voice carrying a blend of encouragement and comfort.

Iris, amidst the melancholy of farewells, harboured a glimmer of excitement—an eagerness to explore a world teeming with life, where she could interact with beings who breathed the air of the living.

The gateway to Camp Half-Blood loomed ahead, a threshold between Iris's past and the unknown future that awaited her. Standing at the brink of the camp barrier, she felt a mixture of nerves and excitement ripple through her.

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