Chapter 14 - Hagrid

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The four had resolved to seek more information about the Philosopher's Stone by consulting Hagrid. That night, Hermione and Iris stayed up, biding their time until midnight to sneak out of the castle. As the clock struck twelve, the two girls stealthily made their way down to the common room where they met with Harry and Ron.

"We have to be really quiet," Harry whispered, voicing his concern. "Agreed, I really don't want to get in trouble," Hermione concurred.

The four tiptoed out of the common room, inadvertently rousing the Fat Lady from her slumber. She began interrogating them about their intentions. Iris swiftly intervened to prevent the loud questioning from the painting, "Don't worry, ma'am. We have permission. It's important Hogwarts business," she lied convincingly. To their surprise, the Fat Lady seemed to believe her and allowed them to pass.

Quietly threading through the corridors, they finally reached the outdoors and descended the hill toward Hagrid's hut. Arriving at the door, Harry knocked. Hagrid greeted them, opening the door to a wave of warmth that engulfed the four students. Hagrid didn't appear startled by their visit but politely said, "ello, sorry, don' wish to be rude, but I'm in no fit state to en'ertain today," as he attempted to close the door.

In unison, the four blurted out, "We know about the Philosopher's Stone!" This declaration made Hagrid pause, his face registering shock. "Oh," he muttered before opening the door again, allowing the four inside.

As they stepped inside, Harry promptly voiced his concern, "We think Snape's trying to steal it." Hagrid's response was immediate, "Snape? Blimey, you're not still going on about him, are you?"

Seating themselves, Iris found herself beside a large black dog, and without hesitation, she began to pet it. Harry persisted, "Hagrid, we know he's after the Stone, we just don't know why!"

"Snape is one of the teachers protecting the Stone. He's not about to steal it," Hagrid asserted.

"What?" Harry exclaimed, startled. "You heard. Now, I'm a bit preoccupied today," Hagrid continued, almost dismissively.

Harry was puzzled, "Wait a minute, one of the teachers?" Hermione interjected, "Of course, there are other defenses for the Stone, aren't there?"

Hagrid affirmed, "Tha's right," while Ron observed the dog nervously. "Waste of bloody time if you ask me, ain't nothing gonna get past Fluffy. Ain't a soul knows how, cept for me and Dumbledore," Hagrid confidently proclaimed.

Suddenly, a rattling sound emerged from the fireplace, catching their attention. Hagrid retrieved a hot, glowing egg from the fire. Instantly recognizing it, Iris leaned in, having read about dragons in 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.'

Harry inquired, "Hagrid, what is that?" Hagrid hesitated, uncertain how to respond, and before he could answer, Iris jumped in, "It's a dragon egg! It's beautiful, I've always wanted a dragon." Ron, adding to the conversation, mentioned his brother Charlie's work with dragons in Romania and asked Hagrid how he acquired it.

Hagrid gladly shared, "Won it off a fella I met down at the pub. Seemed quite glad to be rid of it." Iris, however, sensed something amiss, furrowing her brow, but her thoughts were interrupted as the egg began to hatch. She watched in excitement, recognizing this as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As the egg cracked open, a small dragon emerged from the shell, stretching its wings.

Like Iris, Ron gazed at the baby dragon with amazement, "That's a Norwegian Ridgeback," he exclaimed. Hagrid beamed, "Isn't he beautiful?" Iris echoed in awe, "Yeah."

The dragon turned toward Hagrid, emitting a small whine. Hagrid cooed, "Oh, bless him, he knows his mummy," as he reached out to pet the small creature. "Hello, Norbert," he greeted. Iris struggled to suppress a laugh at the choice of name, but she managed to keep it in check, while Harry questioned, "Norbert?"

"Yeah, well, he's got to have a name, doesn't he?" Hagrid replied. Norbert sneezed suddenly, igniting a blaze of fire that caught on Hagrid's beard, setting it alight.

Reacting swiftly, Iris drew her wand from her holster and pointed it at Hagrid, "Extinguere!" She swiftly extinguished the flames on his beard. It was one of the spells Hades had taught her, due to the excess of fire in the underworld, although she chose to use her wand, as to not reveal her wandless magic abilities. Hagrid nodded in gratitude.

Ron, Harry, and Hermione looked at Iris with slight amazement at her knowledge of spells. Hermione, impressed, turned to Iris, "You're going to have to teach me that spell later." Iris nodded back to her in agreement.

Hagrid squinted slightly toward the window behind them, asking, "Who's that?" The students turned to see Malfoy, with his slicked-back hair, staring at them through the window before swiftly running away.

"Malfoy," Harry stated, almost simultaneously with Iris's remark, "My annoying cousin." Hagrid, with a defeated realization, muttered, "Oh dear." The four students rushed after Malfoy, hoping to intercept him, but by the time they reached the castle, he had vanished. They continued walking, fully aware of the consequences awaiting them.

As they were making their way, Professor McGonagall approached. The four halted as she greeted them with a stern, "Good evening." Malfoy made his presence known beside her. The group followed her into her classroom where she sat at her desk, observing them with a contemplative gaze, finally breaking the silence, "Nothing. I repeat, nothing gives a student the right to wander about the school at night. Therefore, as punishment, I will be deducting 50 points from each of you."

Iris was shocked; not only had she disappointed one of her favorite teachers, but they had also lost all the points they had earned in their last Quidditch game. She knew her housemates were already wary of her, and this would only amplify their resentment. Professor McGonagall continued, "And to ensure it doesn't happen again, all five of you will receive detention."

With a puzzled expression, Malfoy spoke up, "I'm sorry, Professor, I think I heard you wrong. Did you say five?" McGonagall calmly responded, "No, you heard me right, Mr. Malfoy. You see, as honorable as your intentions were, you too were out of bed." The shocked look on Malfoy's face lifted Iris's spirits slightly... slightly.

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