Chapter 7 - The Third Floor

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The two hurriedly left the classroom, their minds swirling with thoughts of what awaited them. Upon finding Ron, they shared the news that they had made it onto the Gryffindor team. Ron's excitement was palpable as he jumped up and down, celebrating their achievement.

However, Harry seemed hesitant, doubt clouding his expression. Hermione, noticing Harry's uncertainty, chimed in with reassuring words. "Quidditch is in your blood, Harry," she said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Seeking proof to lift Harry's spirits, Hermione led them to a nearby trophy cabinet. Pointing proudly at a displayed emblem, she exclaimed, "Look, Harry! Your dad, James Potter, was a Seeker on the Gryffindor team too."

The four of them were walking together up the stairs when suddenly the staircase they were on started moving. "What's happening?" asked Harry.

"The staircases change, remember?" replied Hermione. Iris was slightly surprised Harry had forgotten that; after all, it wasn't every day that you went to a school with moving staircases. But she pushed the thought away.

As the staircase stopped moving, the four quickly got off it, not wanting to be stuck if it moved again. They passed through the door ahead and found themselves in a dark and seemingly abandoned hallway.

Ron voiced what Iris had been feeling, "Does anyone feel like we shouldn't be here?"

Hermione replied, "We shouldn't. This is the third floor. It's forbidden." Iris mentally chided herself for forgetting, blaming her own scattered brain due to her ADHD.

As they turned to leave, Mrs. Norris blocked their path, signalling that Filch was close behind. Iris reacted first, "Oh crap, run!" She bolted, hearing the others' footsteps close behind.

They sprinted through the corridors until Harry exclaimed, "Quick, let's hide through that door!" Iris spotted the door and rushed to open it, but it was locked. Ron panicked, convinced they'd get caught.

Iris pulled out her wand and aimed it at the door. "What are you doing, Iris?" Harry asked. Without replying, she muttered, "Alohomora."

Hermione's voice came from behind, "She's opening the door!" Iris pushed the door open, and the three hurried inside.

Once they were inside, Ron asked, "Alohomora?" Both Hermione and Iris replied simultaneously, "Standard Book of Spells, Chapter 7."

Hermione turned to Iris, asking, "How did you know that?" Iris smirked, saying, "I like to read."

They waited, listening for Filch. Eventually, he passed without inspecting the room, assuming it was locked. Suddenly, the trio—Harry, Hermione, and Ron—froze in fear as they spotted a large, three-headed dog sleeping inside. Iris froze too, but in excitement. With a wide smile, she began to walk toward the awakening dog.

"Puppy." she said as if she was talking to a little golden retriever puppy while the other three started to scream.

As they ran out of the room, Hermione grabbed Iris's hand and dragged her with them. Although Iris was disappointed that she couldn't pet the dog, she followed along with the others.

They dashed all the way to the Gryffindor common room, arguing about why such a dangerous creature would be kept in the castle. Hermione mentioned the trapdoor and speculated that it might be guarding something important. The other two claimed they hadn't noticed it, but Iris supported Hermione, confirming that she had seen it too.

Hermione, looking tired and concerned, spoke up, "Now if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before you come up with a clever idea to get us killed, or worse expelled." Iris didn't fully agree with Hermione's prioritisation, but feeling weary, she bid her goodbyes and ascended the stairs to their dorm, with Hermione following closely.

Upon entering the dorm, they noticed the other two girls were already asleep. Iris quickly changed into her nightclothes, ready to sleep when she heard Hermione say, "I haven't met anyone who likes to read as much as I do."

"I like to read because books can give you all sorts of useful information, or just an escape," Iris responded.

"Me too." Hermione nodded in agreement.

They exchanged smiles before Iris said , "Goodnight 'Mione."

Hermione chuckled slightly at the nickname and replied, "Goodnight, Riri."

A/N - this is a bit of a shorter chapter, sorry about that. just trying to divide up the chapters as best I can and don't want tp go into too much detail on everything or else this fic is never going to finish. <3

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