❣︎ T W E N T Y ~ O N E ❣︎

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I stare back at my reflection, jaw slack

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I stare back at my reflection, jaw slack. Eyes wide. My thick, long hair now separated from my head and in my hand.

Maybe I shouldn't have tried to be spontaneous.

Things like this never work out for me. My brightly colored hair glares at me through the mirror of my bathroom. I drop the hair in my sink.

I decided that since it was now the winter season I should try something different. Well, I cut bangs. I'd straightened my hair which took hours and now I'm regretting it.

As soon as my hair curls back up, these bands will look like shit.

The thin, bone-straight bangs fall over my forehead, gently caressing my skin.

What makes my rash decision worse is that I start my first day at Ink House today. Let's hope this job doesn't build up a sweat.

As if on cue with my thoughts, my alarm goes off and I drop the scissors in my left hand. "Shit." I'm happy I was able to do my makeup before I cut and straightened my hair.

For some reason, I felt the need to go all out for the first day. I did a style of makeup that would match my outfit and everything. Small butterflies at the corners of my eyes followed by purple eyeshadow.

My outfit consisted of a butterfly-shaped corset with different shades of pinks and purples and a dark blue, denim mini skirt.

Again, maybe too much for the first day at a tattoo shop but it's too late to change now. I rush to grab my things as I leave my apartment and head to my car in the parking garage.

Art has never really been my passion. Dance has always been my main dream and goal. It was always my priority. I wanted to leave my mark on this world. Do things and go to lengths no one has ever seen before.

But I can't exactly do that if my dance partner and I are having a fallout. Sure we sorted things out in the boat but I know it'll be the most awkward experience of both our lives.

Our dances are mostly intimate. They tell the stories of love and sacrifice. There isn't a dance we've done where we haven't touched each other and in the position we're in now, I don't think we'd get through even one practice.

I soon get out of my white Range Rover and walk into the shop.

"Finally! You know, tardiness isn't cool when you don't make your own schedule, got that?" Mateo pats a guy on his back before walking to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Now, you know the basics so I'll just introduce you to the crew. You'll see 'em a lot. That right there is Tommy. He's the receptionist. He's pretty quiet and cool." I wave a small wave as Mateo leads me to the break room where most of the employees stay.

"This Shonda, she's stationed in piercings." he points to a girl with long braids with beads at the ends. "The one eating my food is Alex, he's an artist for our pre-designs. And the one with black nails is Noah. He's just Noah." they all seem so laid back and chill.

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