Chapter 02 - Getting a Trainer

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It hadn't taken long for the basketball court to be built, and now Hikki's mother guided him to the court, gently taking his hand as they reached the court with Sebas closely following in tow.

As soon as they reached the court, Hikki let go and grabbed a basketball, a happy smile on his face as he immediately got into a shooting motion.

He released the ball while aiming for the net as both Sebas and his mother widened their eyes, looking at the high arcing shot swishing into the net.

Hikki immediately went for the rebound as he blitzed through the court, imagining dribbling past a dozen defenders and performed a simple finger roll layup.

"Hahaha!" His laughter rang out the court as HIkki's mother was taken out of her stupor.

"I didn't expect him to be this good." Muttered rhe black haired woman as she watched the intricate movements her son performed.

How could a child do all this with such ease. Perhaps his dream of playing basketball isn't so crazy seeing how good he is. "Perhaps getting a trainer for Young Master would really allow him to excel with his profound skills," Sebas spoke with confidence.

As if he somehow knew that Ryouta could potentially become a top player in the NBA.

"I've already thought of that, he should be arriving now..." Spoke the woman.

As if on cue, a middle aged man walked onto the court with a friendly smile. He wore a simple tracksuit with black trainers and a whistle over his neck.

This must be him.

Otsuki Harute, the Japanese National Team's former Point Guard.

'Normally I would have rejected this job if it was anyone else's son. But Fuji-kun is my best friend, I'll help his son, even if I'm old.' Thought the man.

"Hello. I'm Otsuki Harute. If I'm correct, you must be Fuji-kun's wife, Himari-chan, was it?" Asked the man as the woman nodded, a friendly smile gracing her beautiful features.

"Hai. You must be here to coach Ryouta-kun, right?" Asked Himari as the man nodded.

"Hai. Is that the kid there?" Asked Harute while gesturing to the white haired boy shooting a standstill jumper.

"Hai." Himari confirmed.

As Harute observed the child, his eyes widened considerably as he watched everything he did. The dribbling, the shooting, everything he did, it was as if he was a pro.

"Himari-chan. Are you certain today is your son's first day playing Basketball?" Asked the man.

"Yes to my knowledge, why do you ask?"


The man fell silent, unable to believe that this prodigy only started playing basketball today. It was as if he was made for the sport. "Then your son possesses genuine talent. The way he naturally grasps essential skills, it's as if he was born to play basketball. I have no doubt that he could become a top player in the NBA in the future considering if he truly started playing basketball only today."

Hearing the compliment filled Hikki's mother with contentment. As a mother, any praise bestowed upon her son felt like praise for herself. However a frown creased her forehead when the man mentioned the prospect of Hikki becoming a professional basketball player.

She doubted that her husband would allow their son to pursue a career in basketball. Yet, witnessing the sheer joy on her baby's face as he played, she felt it was necessary to discuss the matter with her husband.

Fully absorbed in his basketball play, Hikki couldn't help but turn his head when he noticed a few people watching from the side.

Spotting his mother among them, Ryou waved enthusiastically and walked over to join them.

"Yo. Kaa-san." Hikki spoke before glancing at the taller man. "Wht brings you here?" The boy suddenly asked, glancing at the brown haired man trying to figure out who he was.

"Ryouta-kun. This is Otsuki Harute, former player for the Japanese National Team. He also played for UCLA in America and was the NCAA champion. I invited him here to coach you." Spoke Himari as he smiled warmly at her son.

"Arigatō Kaa-san! I could definitely use some guidance to improve my basketball skills." Hikki replied with a gentle smile, expressing his gratitude.

As the mother and son interacted, Harute couldn't help but be amazed by Hikki's maturity which no doubt exceeded his age.

"Well then, I'll leave him in your capable hands Mr. Otsuki." Hikki's mother said kindly as she exited the court, followed by her assistants and Sebas, leaving Hikki alone with Harute in the court.

Hikki shifted his complete attention to Harute, seemingly remembering a magazine he had read about the man in front of him.

"So. Shall we go" Spoke Hikki as he began walking back onto the court, Harute walked with him, already devising the right method of training for Hikki...



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