Chapter 16 - Revenge?

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After dropping Asuka off at her house, Hikki said his goodbyes. He had taken a moment to explain a few things about Asuka's situation to her parents, which had left them deeply concerned for the white haired boy's intervention.

Leaving Asuka's place and heading home, Hikki's gaze remained fixed on the passing scenery outside of the window. His mind seemed to be preoccupied with his own thoughts.

The following day, Hikki resumed his routine and returned to school.

Approaching his classroom, Hikki encountered Momoharu, who was positionsd near the door, apparently waiting for the white haired boy to arrive.

Momoharu seemed a bit uneasy as he started the concersation, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "Hey, I heard about what happened last night. Thanks for that, I don't know what would've happened to her if you weren't there."

Hikki responded with a question as he calmly glanced at the taller blond boy without stopping his step, "Did you know she was looking for you?"

Momoharu visibly flinched, his guilt apparent. "Yeah, I figured."

The previous day, after their practice and Momoharu's repeated losses to Hikki in one-on-one matches, Momoharu had been fired up, practicing on an empty public court.

However, Asuka, concerned for him and unaware of his late night training, had searched for him after he didn't come home.

Hikki's response was composed, and he walked past Momoharu, giving him some advice. "It's okay if you understand. Just make sure you tell her beforehand next time. No need to stress her out."

Hikki continued, adding, "Class is starting, so head back to your room."

As soon as those words left his mouth, the school bell chimed, signalling the beginning of class. Students gathered in the hallway, entering the classroom for the upcoming lessons.

"....Yeah, catch you later," Momoharu responded, glancing at the clock on the wall before saying goodbye and heading off.

When the lesson kicked off, Hikki engaged in listening for a while.

However, realising he was familiar with the subject they were teaching, he pulled out an advanced book that wasn't typical for middle school and began studying at his own pace.

Before he knew it, the school day had come to an end. Although, a training session was scheduled, Hikki had already informed Kazama about his absence due to a family matter.

Stepping out of the school gate, Hikki's attention was drawn to three of the group of teens he had confronted and subdued the previous night. Their discomfort was evident, some even shaking with unease.

"It apleared that the 'gift' Hikki had given them had likely resulted in their current state of sickness.

Upon seeing Hikki approach, the group leader displayed a mix of surprise, excitement, hostility and perhaps even relief. However, it was clear that his condition was the worst among the trio.

"...It looks like you guys didn't grasp the lesson huh?"

Hikki immediately addressed them, not giving them a chance to respond. His tone was casual as if he was used to dealing with such situations.

"I suppose my little gift didn't make much of an impact."

"You son of a bit-"

The curses of one of the teens trailing the leader were cut short as the leader raised his hand, signalling him to stop.

"Do you have the guts to follow us?"

The leader shot at Hikki, his gaze ablaze with hostility. His eyes locked onto Hikki's, who met the intensity with an almost expressionless look.

Aware of the curious glances cast their way by onlookers, Hikki scanned the surroundings briefly. His response was concise.

"Yeah, sure. However..."

Checking his wristwatch, Hikki continued, his tone carrying authority, "...You've got thirty minutes."

The group fell into a tense silence at Hikki's assertive words. Another teen was physically restraining one of the teenagers who had previously hurled curses at him, the anger in his eyes evident.

"...This fucker! Let me go, I'll go kill this guy and save us the trouble!"

Ignoring the teen, Hikki looked towards the leader.

"Might want to put your dog on a leash." Hikki suggested as the leader narrowed his eyes at the white haired boy. "You're one cocky brat, you're going to regret crossing us."

Hikki remained unfazed by the threat, he even decided to provoke them further by yawning.

Hikki's decision to follow them prompted a smirk from the leader, no matter the attitude of the brat as they walked.

Continuing down the path, they eventually reached an empty park, its quietness contrasting the bustling streets behind it.

In the park, Hikki noticed a group of people around the same age as the teen thugs, each adorned with various distinctive appearances.

Some were shirtless, a few sported chain necklaces and others had brightly dyed hair. They seemed like characters from a TV portrayal of typical street thugs in Japan.

Upon realising the leader was leading him into this gathering, Hikki's steps faltered. He found himself surrounded by these individuals.

The leader's expression turned sour, and he taunted Hikki with a mockingly down turned lip. "...Scared, are you?"

While aware of the disadvantageous position he had willingly put himself in, Hikki remained outwardly composed. He gazed at the group calmly, a thoughtful expression crossing his face.

"Ego really can be a dangerous thing," he murmured softly to himself, his words laced with a hint of self reflection. "Perhaps I shouldn't have gone to fight. I wouldn't be in this position now otherwise."

Inwardly, Hikki understood the risk of his decision. Yet his pride prevented him from rerreating like a coward.

"What's your problem, huh? Speak up, punk!"

The other teenager reacted with another burst of curses, his fustration clearly evident.

Hikki diverted his attention his attention momentarily to check his wristwatch once more. His demeanour remained composed as he spoke again, "Time's ticking. You've got twenty minutes left now."

Upon hearing Hikki's words, the teen, who seemed to possess a short fuse, could no longer contain his anger. He abruptly charged toward Hikki, his face contorted with rage as he bellowed, "You fucker! I'm gonna kill you! I hate you!"



Oh no, whatever could Hikki do?"

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