Chapter 09 - Seijuro Akashi

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"Greetings, Akashi, Midorima. It's been quite a while hasn't it?" Asked the white haired boy as he sat down opposite to the red haired boy with Asuka taking a seat next to him, opposite to Midorima.

"Hikigaya. It has indeed. Greetings to you as well." Spoke Akashi as Hikki put on a friendly smile.

"Would you guys like to play?" Asked Hikki, gesturing to the shogi board on the table.

Both complied as Asuka joined in as well. The teams were Akashi and Hikigaya against Midorima and Asuka.

It went without a hitch that Hikki and Akashi had easily won the match.

"Hikki-kun. I've heard you along with Suka-chan have have joined our rival school. Would that mean you were planning on playing against us?" Midorima asked.

"Hai. I've also got myself a good team around me. Me and 4 other freshman have immediately made it to the First String. And I've heard from a friend of mine you guys have as well.

Good luck in the Nationals, though I'm sure we'll be meeting in the finals." Spoke Hikigaya as Akashi smirked with a nod.

"You'd better make it to the finals Hikki. And we'll try our best to win the finals and win the championship. It will be a close match indeed." Spoke Akashi as Hikki nodded.

"Indeed my friend. We should hang out more outside of these gatherings. How about you and Midorima come over to my house. My mother would love your company." Spoke Hikki as Midorima shrugged while he glanced at Akashi.

"I'll be there, just tell me when." Spoke Akashi.

The red haired boy held deep respect and admiration for the boy sat opposite to him. Their families were very close and the white haired boy he'd known since forever was the person who introduced to him the enjoyable sport of basketball.

Hikigaya had made a deep impression on him and he could only think good thoughts whenever he thought of his friend. And that too connected Midorima, who was his second friend, Hikigaya being his first.

No matter what happens in the future, he is certain he will always stay loyal to Hikigaya, he already owed so much to the boy and his family.

"Next Saturday cone round to mine. It has been a while since we've played basketball together. I'm thinking of inviting three others for us to play a 3v3 game." Spoke Hikki.

"And what would the teams be?" Midorima asked while adjusting his glasses.

"Us three against, possibly three of my teammates." Hikki stated as both boys sat in front of Hikki widened their eyes before smiling with a nod.

"We shall make it happen." Akashi stated as Hikki smiled with a nod.



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