Chapter 30 - VS Kazami X - Putting The Nail In The Coffin

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As Momoharu continued to delve deeper, his concentration heightened as he continued to perform at an ethereal level.

Hyūga and his team could only watch as the blond haired prodigy continued to effortlessly evade their defense and continued to score with ease.

However in Momoharu's mind, little by little, the door budged open.

"I see what this is now..


Is the Zone!" As he found this newfound ability, he seemingly blocked out any outside contacts and somehow he got even better.

Hikigaya watching this could only widen his eyes.

"He's performing at over 80% without the help of my King's Eyes! But how?.."

The boy could only watch while Momoharu got a taste of just what the zone is.

Each move he did seemed to be done with elegance and grace.

His athleticism was increased tenfold seemingly, every time the opposing team jumped to contest his shots, he seemed to be jumping even higher than them.

His skills and abilities were also increased.

It looked to be impossible yet, the proof of it happening was right before them.

Hyūga and his teammates watched the action unfold with widened eyes.

Each play he performed, was almost as if it was improvised, though his reaction time was unparalleled.

He reacted with lightning speed and countered each and every one of their moves with ease as he continued in the game.

The blond played with finesse as he once again blocked his guard.

'These freshmen, they are actually unbeatable, what kind of unforgiving God crafted prodigies such as these.

There's no doubt about it, they are the prodigies of Japanese Basketball...

No, that name doesn't do them justice.

The Five Phenoms (Itsutsu no Genshō) suits them more...'

Hyūga thought as he watched the third quarter slowly coming to an end.

Even though the quarter was coming to an end, Momoharu's rampage hadn't stopped, he relentlessly scored without mercy.

Seeing this, Kazami's players easily lost hope, as they already had given up on the idea of winning the basketball game against them, wanting to be done with the game quickly.



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