Chapter 12 - 1v1 With Momoharu

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The point gap continued to widen, and both the senior and freshman teams struggled to catch their breath. The intensity and fervor of the match had reached unprecedented heights.

In the midst of the high-paced game, Hikki keenly assessed the situation. He recognised that his energy  wasn't boundless; the opponents' robust defense required him to expend even more stamina. Even Masahiko, with his formidable physique, was audibly panting. This indicated the challenging nature of the opponent's offensive strategies.

The starting shooting guard, Fukumoto Daigo, gained possession of the ball and embarked on a drive towards the basket. However, his trajectory was disrupted my Mibuchi's adept defense. Reacting swiftly, Fukumoto managed to salvage the situation by passing the ball to Kazama.

Internal alarm bells rang for Fukumoto as he shot a quick glance towards the freshman team. The sight of their performance was enough to give anyone second thoughts about facing them.

Dribbling the ball, Kazama hunted for a weak point in the defensive wall. Ogiwara, displaying his own prowess, endeavoured to intercept the Captain's progress. At the critical moment, when Ogiwara made a move to snatch the ball, Kazama exhibited exceptional control, tightly securing the ball and evading Ogiwara's relentless defense.

With steadfast determination, Kazama closed in on the hoop for a layup shot. Yet, just as he was poised mid air for the crucial throw, Masahiko sprang into action, attempting to block Kazama's brave attempt to score.

Anticipating this defensive manoeuvre, Kazama instinctively altered his airborne posture, seamlessly diverting his attention from a shot attempt to an expertly executed pass. The recipient of his calculated pass was once again, Fukumoto, who wasted no time as he caught the ball.

Fukumoto's swift reflexes translated into a rapid release of the ball, which sailed towards the backboard with precision, sinking into the net in a flawless bank shot.

"They're very good," Mibuchi remarked. The boy couldn't help but acknowledge the exceptional skill displayed by his senpai. Thoughts of their proficiency flickered through his mind.

'I'm hungry.' On a completely different wavelength, Masahiko's mental musings diverged greatly. His thoughts danced around a rather unrelated topic: snacks. His mind's tangential path would likely astonish the seniors if they had any inkling of his whimsical contemplation during such a crucial match.

Unbeknownst to the seniors, had they been privy to Masahiko's thoughts, their collective fustration might have found audible expression in vehement expletives directed at him.

Emboldened by Fukumoto's successful contribution, the senior players rallied, challenging their efforts both in defense and attack with unyielding determination. This shift in momentum put pressure on the freshman team, including Hikki, who felt the sudden swell of intensified competition.

After an intense period of play, the sharp blast of the referee's whistle resonated across the court, its high pitch cutting through the charged atmosphere. All eyes converged on the scoreboard, where the final score was displayed: 71-78.

The seniors accumulated 71 points while the freshmen secured a total of 78 points.

"That was insane," Kazama mumbled, still catching his breath as he rested on the court. The game had taken a toll on his stamina. What struck him even more was the remarkable skill displayed by the new players. The addition to their team was undeniably of top tier quality.

Assistant Coach Makiyama, despite his initial surprise, wore a persistent smile. The unfolding event had pleasantly caught him off guard. This year, their prospects for clinching the championship looked promising. The only team in their way would be Teikō Junior High, and under the leadership of Kazama, he doubted they would be a formidable challenge.

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