Chapter 04 - Title at The End

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After making the full court shot, everyone felt the imposing aura of Hikigaya, the aura reminiscent to that of a King.

This was what made Mibuchi Reo approach the boy, also the fact that he knows the boy personally, it was Hikigaya who told Reo to come to this school.

Said boy was shocked at the nonchalant expression and as someone who valued and treasured the three point shot, he was shocked to see a shot of that caliber.

Hikigaya, sensing someone approaching from behind turned to see a boy with long luscious black hair which reached his cheeks and two strands of hair falling down to his eyes.

"Ryouta." The boy called out as Hikigaya turned around to see the son of Jin Mibuchi, Reo's family wasn't as high status as Ryouta, they still had many properties around Japan.

"Reo. You came." Hikki stated as he extended his his arm out for a greeting. Mibuchi smiled as he shook his friend's hand. I do owe you, you taught me how to play basketball after all." Reo stated as Hikki nodded with a laugh.

"Anyway. I wanted to ask. How can you be so confident that your shot will go in?"

"Well. I just cut out outside distractions and with my whole confidence, I shoot. And I just know that it won't ever miss. It's the feeling you get after you shoot that fuels that confidence. And with that confidence. You won't ever miss." Spoke Hikki as he grabbed another ball and immediately shot.

"Like that." Spoke the boy as the ball swished through the net.

Ogiwara looked at Hikki with widened eyes, his admiration for the boy evident in his eyes.

"Continue with your practice now armed with that information, Reo. Trust that you won't miss and shoot. It's the confidence you have that is key." Spoke Hikki as they continued putting up shots.

After a while, Asuka arrived as a whistle blew.

"Alright! First Years! Stand Together!" Exclaimed the Assistant Coach of Meikō Junior High as everyone complied.

Keishu Makiyama, the Assistant Coach of the Meikō Junior High Basketball Team for 20 years, and former Japanese National Team player.

Next to him stood a black haired boy. He was quite muscular and tall, not as tall as Isame but he was quite tall, 5'8 at most probably.

"Alright. The First year Meikō Basketball Trials will begin." Spoke the boy...

There it started. Firstly. People were split into groups. Group 1,2 and 3. Our protagonists were all part of group 1 along with 15 others.

"Group 1 will kickstart their drills which will be dribbling, shooting, passing, defending, one on ones with current members of the First String Meikō Basketball Team and finally a scrimmage match. After these drills, we will put people in either. The second string which is where your talent is recognised but at most you will be bench players and third string where you join a training program to develop and become better.

Just know that it doesn't matter whatever string you are placed in, as you still have the opportunity to improve. If you are placed in the third string, You can improve and be placed in the second string. And work very hard to be placed in the second string." Spoke presumably the captain of Meikō Junior High Basketball Team.

"Let's start the drills!" Exclaimed the coach of the team as everyone nodded while clearing out the way for group 1.

The first player in group 1 to start their drill was an unknown boy, Obare Ken. He did alright and would most likely be placed on the second string.

By the time everyone had done their drills, it was clear which players would be placed in the first string.

Hikki and his friends had the most talent by far out of the first year. It was surprising to Hikki, but Mibuchi and Ogiwara were able to somewhat match Momoharu and Isama's talents.

So now, Hikki stood on the court against the current captain of Meikō Basketball Team, second year Kazama Shin, who was by far the best small forward in the middle school basketball scene,

While Hikki stood off against Shin, Asuka currently was handing the results of the drills and the star players in the first year.

Coach Makiyama had immediately recognised her talent at collecting data immediately and gave her this task, which she did without a hitch.

"Okay. We'll do first to score. Inside will equal one, Outside is two." Spoke Shin as Hikki nodded.

"I'll be on defense." Spoke the captain, thinking it was unfair for a veteran player to start on offense against the boy, he was known for his offensive prowess after all, though his defense was equally as good.

"Hai." Spoke Hikki, this was the first time he was facing off against a senior player and he was eager to show him up.

Kazama had already seen Hikki's exceptional skills during the earlier drills which focused on basketball fundamentals. His solid fundamentals were usually a rarity among freshmen, however it seems that there were four other players with exceptional skills. However it seems he was still underestimating the freshman.

Ogiwara and all the other first years also sensed the change in atmosphere, causing Ogiwara to wear a wide grin at the prospect of facing off against Hikki in the future.

As Ryou held the ball in a triple threat, he could sense the pressure emanating from the captain as he silently praised the player.

He performed a quick jab step to the right, but Kazama remained unfazed.

Hikki smirked as he saw a weakness. Shin was leaning more towards his right, suggesting that this was his stronger side.

Hikki bounced the ball as he looked towards the right, creating an impression that he was intending to penetrate through the right, which in turn made Kazama start leaning towards his stronger side.

However in a burst of speed, the white haired boy penetrated the captain's left.

Said Captain widened his eyes as he turned.

'So fast!' He though as he ran towards the first year.

Hikki, sensing him, smirked. He performed a swift pullback dribble, causing Kazama to become unbalanced.

A swift crossover caused Kazama to stumble and fall as Hikki smirked and shot a two pointer, easily making the bucket.

'This victory should be enough to put me in the first string.' Thought the white haired boy.

Suddenly, the door to the gymnasium was opened with Coach Makiyama and a red haired girl walking into the hall.

"Kazama. The final stage should be the scrimmage. Are the one on ones done?" Asked the coach as the captain nodded.

"Good. Here's the report given to us by Asuka-chan." Coach said while handing the report to his star player.

He himself was always stoic, not letting emotion get to his face. However when reading the report, his eyes widened considerably. The amount of talented players in these tryouts exceeded his expectations.

The same reaction was on Kazama's face. There was now no doubt that they could reclaim there spot as the best Middle School Basketball team this year.

The boy thought as he glanced at the five players who stood out in the trials, leading them was Hkkigaya Ryouta. 'Perhaps they could even become our starters and replace us...'

Title: Acing The Tryouts!



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