Chapter 54 - Stepping Down

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Although the scoreboard displayed a commendable difference.

Ryouta, however, remained unsurprised. He knew these scores were nothing extraordinary compared to what the highest scoring middle school and high school games get around the world.

Observing the frustrated Kamata West players, Hikki's attention was particularly drawn to the Genius Twins. Their expressions revealed even deeper frustrations than their teammates.

"...Remarkable determination for people our ag," Hikigaya mused quietly.

Hikki's attention shifted to the future of Meikō's Basketball, who regarded him with various expressions.

One looked cautious, a few appeared shocked, one seemed completely indifferent, and another had an eager anticipation in their eyes.

It wasn't hard to guess who was eager as one of them said, "Ryouta, let's have a one-on-one match after this, haha..."

With a resigned sigh, Hikki replied, "Sure, whatever..."

He agreed, despite the mixed feelings he had about it.

"Encountering an insurmountable obstacle repeatedly can be truly demoralising. For many, the only choice is to give up..."

Ryouta maintained his calm expression as he silently contemplated this.

As the game concluded with the customary post-match pleasantries, the Meikō team departed, their faces beaming with joy, while Kamata West trudged away, their expressions filled with clear dissapointment.

Their next match was scheduled a week from now, a rather swift turnaround. And their opponents would be the famous Teikō Junior High, the lifelong rivals of Meikō Junior High.

Hikki harboured strong confidence in their ability to secure a victory. Despite this certainty, he couldn't help but feel a palpable excitement building within him as they approached the final. The opponent they would be facing would be a far better opponent than any other middle school they had faced, with their first year counterparts on the team to face off against Meikō.

It was safe to say that Hikki was excited for the matchup against Akashi Seijuro, Midorima Shintaro, Aomine Daiki, Murasakibara Atsushi and Momoi Satsuki.

So much so that he even dialed back the intensity of the team's training following their triumph over Kamata West. It was a calculated move to ensure that they were in peak condition for the upcoming showdown against Teikō.

The rest of the freshmen and the team in general shared similar excitement, hearing about the star studded lineup which Teikō has, which was in many ways similar to their own, with the freshmen leading the linup.

Assistant Coach Makiyama, typically stern in demeanour, wore a contented expression as he conveyed the team's progress to Head Coach Yamato.

Listening to the report, Head Coach Yamato was pleasantly surprised.

The unexpected change in captaincy had initially caught him off guard, but after hearing about the new captain's ability to lead the team to victory, he felt reassured.

"...I suppose it's all in the genes, right?"

Makiyama mused, reminiscing about a talented white-haired youth from the past who had played brilliantly but then vanished, only to resurface as a business mogul.

Assistant Coach Makiyama kept going, flipping through some files in his hands.

He spoke again, "Our upcoming opponent in the final is about on the same level as us, to be specific, on a whole other level of Kamata West. However, I believe that with Hikigaya leading the way and his sharp mind. I am confident we can secure the victory in this tournament."

"It looks like the next two years of tournaments won't be nuch of a concern," Yamato remarked, sporting a grin reminiscent of a contented grandfather.

Makiyama nodded in agreement.

He continued, a rare smile gracing his otherwise stern face, "With Hikigaya's astute vision and leadership, I'm starting to think my role in strategising won't be all that demanding anymore."

Yamato nodded in agreement. "That's right. We can channel our efforts into honing their talents through our training routines and helping them reach their full potential."

Makiyama affirmed his understanding with a crisp, "Hai, sir."

The conversation continued between Assistant Coach Makiyama and Head Coach Yamato.

It delved into various matters, particularly when the Head Coach mentioned his upcoming retirement this year. This implied that Makiyama would be stepping into the role next year, and there was so much to prepare for.

The next day, when Makiyama thought he might have a smooth transition into the head coach role...

"What?! Are you fucking serious!"

Momoharu shouted right in front of Kazama's face. The others in the gymnasium wore equally surprised expressions.

Hikigaya responded with a faint twitch of his lips, glancing at the vice captain with a confused expression. It was quite a rare sight to see Ryouta at a loss for words.

The subject of the meeting, Kazama, sighed as he explained, "Hai, that's why I need to inform all of you that this game will mark the end of my career as your vice captain," The black haired boy declared, casually muffling Momoharu's exclamations with his hand.

"Not just as your vice captain but also as your teammate," Kazama declared.

He had chosen this moment to reveal that he would be leaving to join a high school varsity team in America after getting a scholarship.

"I get that you've gotten a scholarship, Shin-chan...but. You're only in your second-year at middle school? You've not completed the curriculum yet?" Fujiwara asked with a confused expression.

"I've decided to leave 1 year early in order to familiarise myself with the customs of America, and get to know people there. Besides, training in America would be way more fruitful than training in Japan."

Makiyama looked weary as he rubbed his temples in exasperation.

Kazama's decision was unprecedented - not only was he the best small forward in Japan's middle school basketball scene, he was also a great mentor for Hikigaya in terms of leadership, Kazama had been leading Meikō since his freshman year, granted much later than Hikki, where he became captain near the end of the season, but he could've been a great mentor for Hikigaya and also Ogiwara.

Hikigaya pondered momentarily, asking, "Will you be back in Japan after high school if basketball doesn't work out?"

"I could always come back to Japan if basketball doesn't work out, so yeah, why not?"

Kazama nodded in response. He explained the situation to his teammates.

"I see. So this will be the last time we play together?"

Mibuchi asked.

"...In a tournament, that is. We can still train together once the tournament ends, my flight's scheduled for a month from now."

Kazama answered with a light smile.

Deep in thought, Takaheshi added, "Well, the vice-captain position is open now. Maybe we should consider bringing Fukumoto back in?"

Upon hearing this suggestion, Fukumoto shook his head and said, "I believe it's time for us to groom a new vice-captain, don't you think?"

Kazama grinned, contemplating the same idea. "I'm on board with Fukumoto. Reo-kun, how about it? Would you be interested in taking up my position?"

Mibuchi appeared to be in a state of shock. He quickly regained his bearings and nodded in agreement.

"I'll take on the role," Mibuchi agreed confidently, bowing respectfully as was customary. "Please guide me."



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