Chapter eight

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Yeji called a cab for her mother and Niki to go home that morning.

"Be good, Nik." Yeji walked over to her brother and stroked his hair, giving him a smile.

Niki nodded his head and smiled at his sister for the first time, in a long time.

"Okay, but tell your girlfriend to be careful next time." He mentioned and got into the car immediately.

Yeji opened her eyes wider, as she heard her brother's words, since he knew she was a married woman. Niki don't like Yeonjun either.

"What are you-"

"Honey." Her mother interrupted her and walked over to her, to give her a hug, which Yeji reciprocated immediately. "I hope to see you again soon, and say hi to Ryujin thank her for everything she did for us yesterday."

Yeji nodded and smiled at her mother, seconds later she got into the car and they drove off in the direction of their house.

She pulled her phone out of her purse and saw some missed calls from Yeonjun at almost three in the morning, which meant, he had probably arrived at the apartment at that time.

She took a deep breath and took a cab on her way to her apartment, it was early enough for Yeonjun to still be there.

When she opened the apartment door, she was greeted with the smell of freshly brewed coffee and breakfast on the table, which was unusual.

She frowned, when she saw Yeonjun come out of the kitchen, dressed for work, with a plate in his hands.

"I thought you left already."

Yeji told him and he immediately walked over to her, holding her face in his hands, to give her a soft kiss on the lips.

"No, I couldn't leave without seeing you today, I was waiting for you so we could have breakfast together."

He smiled at her and Yeji gave him a small smile, then they both walked to the table and started to eat.

There was an awkward silence between the two, and as Yeonjun looked at Yeji, she looked down at her dish, thinking about what had happened yesterday and how she was feeling.

"And how is Niki? What happened to him?" He asked trying to break the ice.

"He's fine, apparently he had a fight but it was nothing serious." Yeji said, while eating.

"She went with you to the hospital?" He asked after a few seconds of silence and Yeji looked up at him to answer.

"Yes, she took me to the hospital."

Yeonjun gritted his teeth and took a deep breath, as he nodded and set the chopsticks aside from the plate.

"Why didn't you call me?"

Yeji stared at him for a few seconds, unable to believe what her husband had said.

"I sent you texts that never got to you, I know you weren't at your dad's and your calls at three in the morning don't take any of the guilt away."

She got up from the seat without finishing her meal and left on her way to the room.

Yeonjun got up too and walked after her until they were both inside the room, he grabbed Yeji's arm and without giving her any time, he pulled her close to his body and kissed her hard.

Yeji put her hands on her husband's chest to try to get away from him as she was still upset, but he didn't give her much choice. But he after sensing that his wife was not reciprocating the kiss, he pulled away from her.

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