Chapter nine

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The next three days passed quickly, Yeonjun was feeling happier, as his wife had not seen her boss again and that sunday night, all that would be over and he would have his wife and money with him.

He was being more affectionate than usual with Yeji and even didn't go drinking with his friends those three nights, just to spend more quality time with her.

Meanwhile Yeji, when she should have felt relieved that she had not seen that woman anymore, felt weird, with a strange feeling in her chest and all she could think about was the night that was getting closer and closer.

So Sunday arrived, the day of the important cocktail party in a large hall, where the new investors of Ryujin's company and some other friends from the same social circle were invited, although Ryujin didn't have many friends.

Her mother, Lia and Yuna were going to be there of course and the place was filled with paparazzi that night just for the pictures that would be on the front pages of magazines all over the city.

Yeji was doing a makeup on her eyes and contrary to what she always did, tonight she decided to do a darker one to go with the dress and the elegant night.

With the curling iron, she made some waves in her red hair and let it loose over her shoulders.

Yeonjun entered the room at that moment and walked up to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek before locking her in his arms.

"You look very sexy." He told her and she smiled a little.

"Thank you." She curtly replied.

"That dress did she give you?"

He asked and she rolled her eyes because that was kind of obvious, there was no way she had that much money to waste on a dress.

"Of course she did. We don't have that much money for this or do we?" She asked and Yeonjun gulped and nodded seconds later.

"I'm sure it was a gift for what you'll do for me tonight, so after this, we can sell it and I'm sure we'll get good money for it."

Yeji didn't answer and turned away from her husband, who followed her with his eyes, to put on her heels and the handbag Ryujin had also bought that night for her.

She was so nervous she couldn't even think straight.

"Will you be at home by the time I get here?" Yeji asked him seconds after she saw out the window and the black car was already parked there waiting for her.

Yeonjun didn't answer her and walked over to give her a peck on the lips, even though his lips were stained with Yeji's lipstick.

"I love you. Don't forget that." She whispered to her and again took her face and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Yeji didn't respond and just gave him a smile before leaving the apartment.

Seconds later Mr. Park was getting out of the car and opening the door to the back seats for her.

"Good evening, Miss Hwang. You look very beautiful tonight." The man said to her with a smile.

"Good evening, Mr. Park, thank you very much." She answered him and immediately got into the car and minutes later, they were on their way to the place.

At the venue, the luxurious cars were already starting to arrive and as if it was a red carpet, flashes of cameras could be heard and seen all over the entrance.

Yeji was so nervous that she was looking from the car at all those paparazzi and gulped before she heard Mr. Park's voice.

"Miss Hwang, I think Miss Shin is waiting for you inside, you have to come downstairs or she will start to get desperate."

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